He Is The Hunter

Stretching his hands and legs once more, Hunter prepared himself for the fight. He snapped his fingers twice and gestured to the bounty hunters to come forward. 

"Let's finish this fast because I don't have time to waste," he said, setting his feet in position. He smiled, revealing his teeth and the men couldn't stop pondering how gorgeous the boy looked with that charming smile lighting up his beautiful face. They could tell for sure he's the most attractive boy in the school all the girls go gaga over. 

"Oh, I forgot my part of the introduction, how rude of me," Hunter said, scowling at himself in mock-disapproval. "I am the Hunter," he said and the arrogance in his tone angered the opponents facing him. They knew that sentence was incomplete when he said 'I am the Hunter' because he didn't add 'I would be the one doing the hunting' to finish the sentence. 

The bounty hunters could hear that unsaid statement ringing in their ears.