She Knows When He's In Pain

Michael crouched down to his level and pointed his finger at Hunter's injuries. "Look, Victor, my friend here is also hurt, and I think now you two are even and it would be a fair race to compete." With that said, he mounted his bike and jerked his head signalling Hunter to proceed. 

Hunter lowered his head, eyeing his dirtied huntsman leather boots and bit back a smile. His chest expanded with pride as he took a deep breath. He would've been vocal with his appreciation for what Michael did for him, but he and his friends never needed those formalities among them. To mention thanks to him would be awkward, and besides, Hunter didn't believe a mere thank you could show the depth of his gratitude. 

Michael started his bike and raised the accelerator before honking the horn. Hunter lifted his head at the sound and saw Michael rolling his eyes at him. He looked annoyed.