Happiest Birthday To Dear Hera

He lit the last candle and inhaled to smell the scented candles. The fragrance in the air smelt of vanilla, cinnamon, rose and lavender. With a satisfied smile playing on his lips, he watched the lighter in his hand, the fire dancing in a rose gold shade. The room temperature was warmer now, with so many candles gleaming around. 

Shutting off his slim windproof cigarette lighter, Hunter looked around and admired the little decoration he had arranged for Hera. It was his Goddess' birthday, after all. He had filled the flower vases, water jugs and glasses in his room with purple orchids, and his bed looked extra colourful with red rose petals scattered on it. 

His phone went off, and so did the vintage wall clock in his adjoined library. It was twelve 'o'clock at night.