Ignorance Is Bliss

He had his defence ready, though, should his father decide to flood him with his fury. Alastair had no purpose or intention to attend the so-called birthday celebrations in the first place. Yet, he had stayed for the first few minutes being the dutiful heir to the throne. 

He had followed the tradition by cutting the cake, lifting the champagne in cheers, greeting his guests. He had done all of that before escaping the torture. No one could tell he was faking that smile and pretended to be happy or that he had no interest in entertaining such nonsensical shenanigans. 

Helena's music and her song helped a lot. She had specially prepared it for his birthday, and Alastair wouldn't have missed it for the world. He loved Helena and Gisela with all his heart. 

No matter whether he had stayed for a few minutes or a few hours, he had fulfilled his obligations as his father's son. So his father shouldn't be that disappointed in him.