Her Every Wish Will Come True

"I love you, my boyfriend, slash best friend, slash lover, slash husband," Hera declared and kissed him on the lips through the screen, which displayed his handsome face.

She gasped and immediately scowled for two reasons, one, the call got rejected, and two, her lipstick left an oily stain on the screen of her brand new cell phone.

Cursing under her breath, Hera blew air on the screen from her mouth and wiped it with the soft napkin removing the lipstick stain. It took her a while to realise she had ruined the colour, coated on her lips as well.

She heard Evelyn's voice calling for her.

Taking off her chain from her neck, Hera dropped it inside her wallet and kept it safely in her bag. Though she wanted to wear it, she decided against it. It was very precious for her as it was the only token of her mother's memory she had with her. She couldn't risk losing it.