He Died For Nothing

"My job here is done. What else is there for me to do?" Deacon asked the moment Johnathan reached within his earshot. The latter looked at Sebastian's body soaked in blood. Johnathan couldn't tell if he was unconscious or already dead. But the pool of blood around him almost confirmed his death.

"Where's the baby?" Johnathan questioned, eyeing everywhere to get a glimpse of Hera. Deacon appeared to be in a delightful mood. He let out a chuckle as his finger pointed at the water running below. Johnathan whipped his head around so fast to look at Deacon it surprised the latter.

Deacon noticed the displeased frown on Johnathan's face, his eyes glaring at him in anger. Without provoking the anger any further, Deacon explained everything he saw or did before killing Sebastian.