The Head-First Fall

Hera hated herself in that instant for doubting Hunter, but Clara had left her no other option. Hera was shell-shocked. She couldn't deny that Hunter had anger issues.

'He would do anything when he's mad.'

Clara's accusing statement kept ringing in her ear. She cried her heart out while Clara pulled her to her chest in a tight embrace, her hand rubbing Hera's back soothingly. "If you don't believe me, then why don't you go and ask your boyfriend?" Clara spoke, breaking the train of Hera's thoughts.

Hera pulled away from the hug and shoved at Clara's shoulders. She stared into her hands for a few seconds without uttering a word. She was too shocked and tongue-tied to speak or respond. Her eyes were red and puffy with all the crying. Clara removed a box full of tissues from her drawer and tried to wipe Hera's tears off her cheeks.