Not Reachable

Lost in her thoughts, Hera didn't realise she was taking too long to answer his question, and Hunter was waiting for her reply.

Meanwhile, Hunter stared at his phone and scoffed in disbelief. Two more minutes passed, and he tossed the phone aside before storming out of his room.

The boys assembled at their secret hideout for a quick smoke break. Michael was happy that he was going home in a few days. He missed his fairy godmother so much. Ever since their tickets arrived, Michael couldn't wait to fly off. Eric was glad to join because he knew his parents would be delighted to see him as well.

Danny seemed lost in thoughts, and so did Hunter. The latter was troubled by Hera's lack of response which obviously meant she didn't trust him yet, while the former worried about his deadline for fulfilling Jack's demand. Ever the observant one, Eric noticed the faraway look on Danny's face.