They Are Not Siblings

When Samantha left, Hunter read the gossip column once again. Adelaide, Samantha, Clara and Hera, out of all the four names linked to him, only one mattered to Hunter. He understood what Samantha was trying to point out. She wanted to show him Hera's budding closeness to Clara. 

Hunter realised what Hera said about Samantha was right. He couldn't afford to trust her anymore and risk losing Hera. Clearly, she was trying to create misunderstandings between them by posting those pictures using his phone yesterday and now by showing this gossip news to him. 

It didn't surprise him that Hera was rekindling her friendship with Clara. He had noticed how the other girl lingered around Hera these days. Be it Samantha, or Clara, or that new girl, all turned out to be vicious snakes in Hunter's eyes. None of them was trustworthy.