Fate Has Brought Him To Her

"By marrying Alexander's son," Christopher declared. 

Gisela's hands dropped to her sides limply. She was beyond shocked after hearing the word marry. Mouth agape, she gawked at her grandfather in stunned silence. It was a blow that could shatter her dreams of meeting Ace, who stole her heart at first sight. Gisela's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. 

'No, I can't let anyone ruin my dream. I won't.'

Gisela vowed. 

She schooled her fears with her lovely smile, like how she had learned to fake it perfectly. But there was a hint of nervousness when she did this time. After all, it wasn't easy to deceive Christopher Castellanos. 

"Grandpa, don't you think I'm too young for the concept of marriage?" Gisela dared to ask, her words coming out in a broken stutter. Her grandfather smiled fondly at her, understanding her panic about the marriage.