Been There, Done That

"Nate, I don't want to be a rebound," Hera said, smiling sadly at him, hand reaching out to open the door. She looked over her shoulder only to add in a softer tone, "And you're not in your right mind at the moment. You need time to heal your broken heart." Hera tried her best not to sound pitiful. She knew very well how it felt when someone pitied you over your pathetic love life or sympathised with your broken heart. 

Before Hera could step out, Nathan caught her arm and gently pulled her back inside, his eyes pleading with her to stay. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms across his chest, a gesture of defensiveness. Hera noticed the disappointment flashing in his eyes, and she forced a cheerful grin on her face. 

Leaning against the door, Hera imitated his posture. "Bathrooms are always the ideal place to discuss heartbreaks," Hera said teasingly, earning a small smile from Nathan in return. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked cautiously.