Facing The Truth

Hera sipped the apple juice from the packed container with a bendy straw Eric bought for her. They were sitting on one of the wooden benches on the campus of their dormitory. Eric was messaging someone on his phone while Evelyn absent-mindedly played with the straw. 

Hera's juice box made a funny noise when she sucked into the straw. She scrunched her nose, still slurping to check if she had already emptied the liquid content inside the box. 

"Oops! I'm sorry," Hera said, sheepishly smiling when Eric snatched the empty juice box from her hand, annoyed at the weird sound she was making. 

"So, is one of you going to open your mouth today, or are we going to wait here until tomorrow to speak?" Hera asked. Eric scowled at her in disapproval, irked by her sarcastic tone, while Hera giggled in response.