Let Bygones Be Bygones

Hera hid a smile when she noticed how Bianca kept her pace slow so that Hera could keep up with her walking speed, and they were heading towards the girls' wing.

"So, now that we've talked about all our insecurities and cleared our misunderstandings," Hera started conversationally, "Am I supposed to thank you for everything you've done for me?" she asked. There was a teasing tint to her tone. She giggled, seeing the way Bianca scoffed, scowling in distaste. 

"Please don't, Piggy, because if you do, I've no choice but to apologise for all the wrong I did to you," Bianca said, shuddering in faked shock as if the thought pained her. Hera hummed, pretending to be thoughtful. After a few seconds of silence, they laughed good-naturedly and decided it was better to move past the apologies and thank yous. They were both savvy and mature enough to let go of their stupid jealousy and grudges.