Chapter fourteen

Wow, just said that !

Jakes went to see Laura

Jakes said 'how are you feeling today?"

Laura said "you sound like my doctor, the nurse and the therapist here "how you are feeling today "they all asked that."

Jakes said "seem like their doing their job."

Laura said "I don't like people fussing over me and shouldn't you be at school?"

Jakes said "I will go, just wanted to check on you, have you heard from Eric?"

Laura said "I haven't, hope he is fine."

Jakes said "I hope so too, how's therapy going?"

Laura said "good, talking and talking, tears just want it to be over soon"

Jakes said "healing, takes time, think of the years of headaches, heartache, pain you went through, years. Why can't you take this time to heal won't happen over a day."

Laura said "you are right, I need to get my life back can't live like this."

Jakes said "that's my girl."

Laura said "laughing out loud, your girl?"

Jakes said "why not, I like you and you like me, let's stop playing around and denying this chemistry here."

Laura said "so full of yourself, do you think I will fall for you?"

Jakes said "why not, I don't mind fighting for you."

Laura said "oh my, this won't be the story here that I end up falling in love with you, you being the one to rescue me all that boring nonsense"

Jakes said "I like that story."

Laura said "I don't, the story here will be you and I be friends, me helping you out to be better person, have great marks by the end of the year and hanging out with someone who is smart me that's all."

Jakes said "I'm surprised your story doesn't include me hanging out in your world, to humble me and see people who are not fortunate."

Laura said "we can do that, your riches should be helping people, changing lives not spending it on parties changing cars daily."

Jakes said "are you telling me, you won't enjoy your money because there are starving people in this world? "

Laura said "that's not what I'm saying I just think life should mean more than having fancy cars fancy houses, people like you should make difference and yes there's always going to be people who are starving and people who are filth rich the little things counts, making kids smile giving them a meal and being there."

Jakes said "Saving the world, I pictured you to be one of those brutal business woman, powerful and successful."

Laura said "I can't because I care."

Jakes said "No, you will be successful, just learning something about you, you care about people, and looks can be deceiving."

Laura said "I can say that about you Jakes Smith."

Jakes said "I will see you later, have to attend those lessons, some of us are not that smart like you."

Laura said "laughing out loud, babe I will help you when I get out of here tomorrow don't hang around with average people, you must be smart I'm your friend after all."

Realising she said babe, "no I didn't babe as in best buddy, wow just said that" thinking out loud

Jakes said "yes babe you called me babe no need to freak out, see you later babe. "

Laura said "great."