Chapter sixteen

Eric's Family

Eric's parents were involved in the church they were respected in their community. Eric didn't like how they do things, he loved going to church, and he just felt some things needed to change. They only hang out with people who are like them who shared the same opinions views, was nothing wrong with that but he just wanted everyone to belong or at least feel they belong, he liked being around different people. He loved going to church, meeting up with the young people who are different had different ways of doing things. He liked sitting at the table listening to other's speak even though to others he appeared not wise, he felt smart. He was busy gathering information, how they can get more people to church especially young people?

Eric said "mom and dad, you know all along been trying to get people who are same age as me youth, young people to change and guess what I have got it wrong we all been focussing on numbers people to fill the seats."

Eric's Mother said "what are you on about?"

Eric's father said "let him finish honey."

Eric said "I'm saying we need to go back to the cross, the church should be led by God, and we can't have VIPs in the church everyone should be welcomed and loved, whether rich or not treated the same"

Eric's Father said "I hear you son, but you think all these changes won't we lose church members."

Eric said "it's better to have 5 church members who are there working for the kingdom of God than people who go to church to be seen or look cool and cute."

Eric's Mother said "the senior pastor won't like this and I wouldn't want to lose my title I worked hard for. "

Eric said "Mom, titles won't get you to heaven, at the end of it all were you faithful to God and did you practice what you preach , let us make Lord our savoir not have people acting as saviours in the church. "

Eric's Mother said "Don't you dare preach to me son that's my job not yours."

Eric's Father said "Eric let me talk to your mother alone."

Eric said "alright father."

Eric went away to let his parents discuss the matter.

Eric's Mother said "he just been a youth leader for how long few minutes, this is the way things have been, you know people like being comfortable this changes will be a bad idea to implement them, will lose these celebrities who come to the church, not to think about the money they put in and Taylor you need to speak to your son. "

Eric's father said "No you stop, what happened to you, you used to care about people drawing them to God now it's about money. Eric is right, him being a youth leader it is God who put him there, he is needed for this right moment, as for the change it is needed, if the senior pastors would come back and see how things are in the church they would be disappointed and heartbroken, don't even what to think about how God feels right now and that's the problem worrying about people not caring what God thinks about us."

Eric's Mother said "we have the Laura situation to deal with, instead of him going to college he is here annoying me about change."

Eric's Father said "he doesn't need to go there daily, it's college and I'm sure he won't fall behind."

Eric's Mother said "teaching him to be like you him just trying to avoid what is going on here at home, now trying to mess with how things have been run for years before he was even born."

Eric's Father said "the world is changing, why is the church last to accept change, how things were run in those centuries need to change, there is technology now to make things better, the word on your phone tablet, YouTube and why is change so frightening ?."

Eric's Mother said "he can focus on social media stuff, technology whatever these young people get up to and leave church politics to us."

Eric's Father said "I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall, the will be change in that church whether you like it or not as for the technology stuff that's a small part of it and your VIPs friends need to stop.

Eric's Mother said "don't be an idiot they run that church it's their money keeping everything float and this big house I would think carefully about upsetting them and treating them like commoners well like those sinners in there."

Eric's Father said "you are not one of them, it is a church of God not some building to do business and treat people like dirt "sinners" are you out of your mind."

Eric's Mother said "Fine it come out wrong but will vote on this at the church and decide a way forward."

Eric's Father said "won't be voting of such will pray and repent."

Eric's Mother said "Good luck with that, the is no God there his gory departed long time ago I doubt he will rebuilt that church we are rotten to the core it is time you accept that"

Eric's Father said "I refuse to believe you and the woman I love will let go of her rebellious ways and go back to God."

Eric's Mother said "You knew who I was when I got that position in the church that power it was all I could think about I blame it on you and your senior pastor I was not ready for it."

Eric's Father said "I believe one day you will change and be the woman I know."

Eric's Mother said "I am far gone there's no seat or way for me to get to heaven now."