Chapter thirty two

Couple's fight

Jakes and Laura had their first crazy fight. I'm sure you all had those where you thought why on earth I am with this person and how could he say such things.

The helper said "you look sad, are you crying?"

Laura said "No, I'm not feeling well. "

The helper said "talk to me girl, is it jakes his father or exams?"

Laura said "jakes, he promise he won't hurt me, I was stupid to think that me and him will be always happy not fight over stupid things. "

The helper said "couples fight, hurt each other break promises it happens, if you love him forgive him and move on. "

Laura said "you don't know what he said and I'm not that person who lets anyone walk over me. "

The helper said " I don't need to know what he did, this is simple are you going to let this ruin your chance of happiness and are you that person who will walk away when things get tough?"

Laura said "I want to forgive him and move on, who knows he won't do what he did again?"

The helper said "when he does it again, probably he will and you will forgive him work things out. You two are young relationships are hard work."

Laura said "I will think about it, jakes makes me happy I love him no one is perfect right?"

The helper said "yes no one is, eat your food and don't want to see a hard face, smile that's it my girl."

*some guys don't work out to have those abs look good only. Working out helps to deal with stress and to deal with life when it gets complicated*

Jakes "s father said "I wanted to work out here."

Jakes said "you can do that, this home gym has big space we can invite people to work out here."

Jakes's father said "you don't look fine, did Laura not comeback last night?"

Jakes said "I'm here to take out my frustration not to talk."

Jakes's father said "just concern."

Jakes said "really, you only care about your companies."

Jakes's father said "that is not true, I love you son."

Jakes said "if you love me you would want me to be happy, I thought about your prank story just lies and probably lost Laura now, I said hurtful things to her."

Jakes's father said "I'm sorry."

Jakes said "you are not going to deny that, I'm so stupid I always have your back, defend you no matter and what do you do?"

Jakes's father said "I'm truly sorry son I don't know what else to say."

Jakes said "you are unbelievable, who is she?"

Jakes's father said "I never plan to fall in love with her and do this to your mother. "

Jakes said "she is dead, why it would be a problem unless don't tell me it's Jennifer dad."

Jakes's father said "she is the love of my life."

Jakes said "" love of my life " so bloody unbelievable, you cheated on my mother, while she was alive and continue with this stupid affair."

Jakes's father said "your mother understood that things happen in life, she knew where I was going and who I was with, she made peace with that."

Jakes said "business trips, how could I not have seen this, say it I'm stupid. "

Jakes's father said "I knew you would not understand."

Jakes said "understand what, that you were not there for my mother, she was depressed and you did not see it. You were busy with your stupid affair."

Jakes's father said "are you going to blame me for her mental health?"

Jakes said "No, I think it's time I move out of this house and this time I mean it."

Jakes's father said "don't make any rush decision, am I not allowed to be happy?"

Jakes said "you can continue with the affair, be happy and why should I care."

Jakes's father said "you are my son, let's fix this I will stop seeing her don't want to lose my son over Jennifer"

Jakes said "you couldn't do that when my mother asked you to, she made peace with your unfaithful behaviour what woman would be okay, knowing her husband is in another woman's arms."

Jakes's father said ��you are right, I was selfish didn't care about her feelings, please stay if you going to leave only in good terms."

Jakes said "so disappointed at you, you know Mr Grey hinted that you're like him maybe worse than him."

Jakes's father said "what are you on about comparing me to your lecture that man is crazy racist and antichrist?"

Jakes said "you're both horrible people, both say and do evil things."

Jakes's father said "who is perfect son no one but don't dare compare me to that man I don't hate people because of their skin colour just a man who was not faithful to his wife."