Before getting married
Laura said "it is okay babe, I got you."
Jakes said "sorry I don't know what's got into me."
Laura said "don't say a word hold me and let it out." After a while…..
Jakes said "I feel better now thank you babe, should we get ice cream and tissues?"
Laura said "that's not funny. "
Jakes said "I was kidding, I'm not used to... "
Laura said "being vulnerable, crying you don't have to be strong all the time you have feelings you are allowed to cry."
Jakes said "okay babe, tomorrow we should go out before my sister gets here spend time together."
Laura said "that will be nice, before you go to bed we need to talk."
Jakes said "sounds serious."
Laura said "it is, how many people you slept with?"
Jakes said "I think you know the answer to that, where is this coming from?"
Laura said "No, I don't and we should talk about this."
Jakes said "I am kidding babe relax, I dated a lots of girls but doesn't mean I slept with them, 1 is the number you're looking for Emily Clarkson that's her name. "
Laura said "you are not lying to me here, why would everyone keep talking about how you were heartbreaker sleeping with hundreds of girls?"
Jakes said "I knew one day will have this conversation just embarrassing, just did things that I am ashamed of okay."
Laura said "what are you talking about Jakes?"
Jakes said "I paid them to spread the rumours to fit in, I can get them to tell you the truth. "
Laura said "wow, that's sick and why didn't anyone tell the truth come clean about what you were doing just disgusting jakes."
Jakes said "I am business student I had an agreement with them, as for being disgusting would you have preferred I slept with them instead of pretending."
Laura said "when I thought I have seen it all in this life, you shock me jakes this and having a sister you never told me about."
Jakes said "I'm not proud of all that, can we move on?"
Laura said "okay, I should not judge you."
Jakes said "alright it is good that we are having such talks before spending the rest of our lives together, so what do you need to know about my health, mental health and whatever diseases you think I might have?"
Laura said "we can talk about that."
Jakes said "Fine, this is because I was sleeping with Emily anyway we can have this conversation."
Next thing they knew they were asking each other important questions, those questions you need to know before getting married. The list was long, so were their responds. Here are the some of the important questions they asked each other.
1. How do you view money do you like spending or saving?
Laura said "saving, being financial secured and using money responsible. Saving money never know what the future holds."
Jakes said "spending, I believe in working hard and enjoying your money work hard play hard not because I am rich."
2. How do you feel about prenuptial agreement?
Laura said "I believe one should protect their assets, properties I get what's yours is mine but you don't want to wake up one day and lose everything you got. Everything you work hard for because of love and trust. "
Jakes said "I don't believe in prenuptial agreement I would not sign it I'm in it for love and trust is important. "
3. Do you want any children?
Laura said "I'm not sure."
Jakes said "I want two children boy and a girl"
4. What are you most afraid of?
Laura said "I'm most afraid of being a mother I fear I won't know how to be a good mother. "
Jakes said "I'm afraid of failing letting my father down, I have my goals I want to fulfil running his businesses are not in my plans, and what if I ruin everything he works hard for?"
5. What are the things you are not willing to compromise?
Laura said "I don't want to be with someone who is abusive and I would have a problem with that. Having children with someone else can't be with that person well jakes does not have kids out there I think."
Jakes said "not wanting children, I want to be with someone who wants to have children."
They realise they have different views about money, having children, prenuptial agreement. After their long list and writing down their answers they had to discuss this well fight over this.
Laura said "spending money, how you are okay with that do you not care about the future?"
Jakes said "what future, you don't want children I might as well spend the money save it for what , I don't see you complaining about going to Europe the gifts and booking the restaurant for you."
Laura said "I didn't ask you for that, you can have your gifts back and you think I care about all this. This lifestyle fancy dinners I care about you not these stupid expensive things."
* She took off the necklace and throw it to his face*.
Jakes said "wait where are you going?"
Laura said "just leave me alone. ��
Jakes said "you are running away, go ahead do that."
Laura said "you want me to stay here to be insulted by you, and do you think I love you or I'm just in love with this lifestyle here."
Jakes said "no, I know you love me babe ,you promise you wouldn't ran away from conflict so stay here let's talk about this."
Laura said "why are we fighting about all this, we have different views it is not like we are getting married tomorrow are we?"
Jakes said "well you never know, I'm kidding listen here babe I get you want to save money, I grow up having everything spending money like crazy it was always there no cards limits. I think will both agree saving it is the best way right but I don't want us arguing about me spoiling you and how much I spent as long I'm saving we both saving."
Laura said "I can agree on that, why is it important to have kids for you?"
Jakes said "I have this desire in me, I want kids to love them give the best years of my life trying to make them be the best they want to be and doing everything for them. That will be my achievement being a father and having happy kids."
Laura said "okay, I did not know you felt like this."
Jakes said "Can you possibly imagine our lives without kids in the future, come on you will be a great mother."
Laura said "I don't know about that."
Jakes said "I know trust me on that, this is about your childhood you are afraid they will go through what you went, you fear they will be distant and cold to you like you were to your father. The idea of having girls scares you I don't blame you the world is full of evil but there's still good nothing will happen to them."
Laura said "how will you know that you can't promise me some stupid man out there won't hurt them abuse them or worse kill them."
Jakes said "I can't, life happens when it does will deal with it together you can't predict the future and all this thoughts are not healthy worrying about what might happen or not."
Laura said "I hear you, I thought you didn't want to be in charge in your father's business, if you don't care about it why do you care about not letting him down?"
Jakes said "I want to build my own company from scratch, our company I want us to have our own legacy our own empire, while managing his companies that will be hard. I'm afraid of letting him down my sister already did that I can't and you wanting to protect your assets what is that about?"
Laura said "just because I'm not rich I should not protect what's mine is that what you're trying to say?"
Jakes said "I'm not saying that, what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours, it's ours. Didn't you hear me talk about our future plans you are in my plans not sure if I am in yours and do you think I would take everything from you leave you with nothing?"
Laura said "you are in my plans, I always had this view on prenuptial agreements, and so, I should just change my mind because you are rich?"
Jakes said "yes because you trust me, prenuptial agreement it is not just about money it is about trust and if you are already thinking about divorce while getting married it shows the level of trust you have."
Laura said "I disagree prenuptial agreements are there for a reason asking you to sign it does not mean I don't trust you, why would you marry someone you don't trust?"
Jakes said "you tell me, what is important to you protecting your peace or your money?"
Laura said" both."
Jakes said "just choose one."
Laura said "you are not being fair."
Jakes said "I guess will have to disagree on that, is there anything else?"
Laura said "Emily, did you have any serious relationship with her?"
Jakes said "I thought we move on from that I have no sexual transmitted diseases, or any disease that's out there."
Laura said "I just need to know why her, you were happy to pretend with all those other girls?"
Jakes said "knowing you love this question has another question on top of it, no wasn't serious was just a fling and I didn't sleep with the others because I felt guilty I used her I didn't love her, had to stop sleeping with her, you want to know why you and I haven't?
Laura said "what is the reason?"
Jakes said "because I love you, I respect you I am attracted to you but I won't do that I want us to wait until we get married and I think is something you believe in why you would want to change that now?"
*Laura was surprised, she was glad he wanted to wait but waiting until getting married was surprising, he is not religious like Eric said does he have to. Who is jakes, everything you thought you knew about jakes being a player and bad boy was not true. *.
Laura said "wow, I'm glad you feel that way and why waiting until getting married I'm not complaining I never thought you would agree to such?"
Jakes said "let's just say I realise waiting until I get married was good for me."
Laura said "that's good to know, I feel relieved now."
Jakes said "so you were worrying about that, I'm a gentleman now I get there is a lot when need to know about each other but will figure it out."
Laura said "yeah I hate fighting with you."
Jakes said "I think will have to learn to communicate better you worrying about something instead of telling me."
Laura said "we both have a lot to learn."
Fighting over important questions that they both needed to answer, agreeing to disagree to some of the questions would it not affect them in the future? The questions about faith, beliefs, spiritual and religion were still not clear where they stand. They watched movies until Laura fall asleep well comedy just to laugh after arguing they needed to. He then carried her to the guestroom. He put her down covered her with the blanket.
Jakes said "I can't wait to have you as my wife Mrs Laura Smith, the mother of my children, my partner in everything, I'm lucky to have you just hope our differences won't separate us. Irreconcilable differences God let that be not us, Goodnight love." He went to sleep.