Chapter fifty eight

Learning how to dance

(Dancing with somebody who loves me)

Jakes said "you know I can't dance."

Laura said "we are here to learn how to, just move and find the rhythm babe."

Jakes said "now I'm stepping on your toes, sorry love."

Laura said "you are beginner darling, you will get there."

Jakes said "I'm just going to dance with my beautiful wife and forget the dance lesson here."

Laura said "where is the rhythm I'm so dead."

The way Jakes dance was funny, everyone in that class was laughing and he didn't even care he was dancing with someone he loves, his wife.

Laura said "this was fun, the year we had was crazy, dealing with postnatal depression, being first time parents and trying to figure out the parenting thing."

Jakes said "will be fine, will make mistakes and learn from them. You and I when we were kids probably thought how our parents should do this and that."

Laura said "how parenting is, and now realise how hard it is."

Jakes said "we can try to be good parents and love them aiming for perfection is crazy."

Laura and jakes were successful in every area of their lives just as that stranger told them, they had companies around the world, they will go out and preach God's word they made a difference in their community. They build leadership schools to help people from disadvantage background, to realise their dream and fulfil them. Help them get started, that's all she wanted from the business people to do and now she gets to do that.

"For as he thinks in his heart, so he is" proverbs 23:7(NKJV)

"Disadvantage background I don't want you to think like that, I'm poor I can't do this or that. Stop focusing on your situation your pain your struggles, I want you to change how you think. Renew your minds I know it's hard to change certain beliefs and to destroy the stronghold that the devil has on us but we can do it through Christ. "I'm not good enough, I won't make it no one in my life has achieved this" all that are lies devil lies, God is the truth. You are capable of achieving all you can dream of start believing, dream it and make it come true. I can tell you so many things to encourage you motivate you, but in the end you have to do it all by yourself be kind to yourself the world is already hard on us. You will have challenges or struggles if you haven't but the greatest battle is the mind, our thoughts. How you think and believe will determine whether you will be successful or not, whether you will conquer and go on to the promise land or not. So what will you focus on, remember think it, believe it and Make it happen." Laura's speech to their opening of the leadership schools.

Jakes said "when my father said I will accomplish more than he did, I thought he was crazy."

Laura said "I would have thought so too, we make a great team and it is all God's doing."

Jakes said "yes, we need to go away for a trip, been working hard going around the world changing people lives it's amazing. just need to go and have fun sit at the beach, hike mountains just like we used to do before having kids."

Laura said "we should before you know it will be old and trying to take it easy."

Jakes said "speak for yourself woman I will climb that mountain even in my 80s with you."

Laura said "yeah right, where should we go?"

Jakes said" Asia, will explore the continent."

Marriage is hard work, you don't just stop trying to learn about your partner, going to date nights, spending time together, the little things counts especially now that you have kids being parents.