2- The bright fearless boy/The executioner?!

It was 7 am. Jak was going to be late for school if he couldn't make it by 7:30 am. He didn't want to be punished.

He wasn't the kind of person to enjoy carrying his teachers' books and doing manual labour of those sorts. He winced at the idea of slaving away for those huge know-it-all's that automatically thought that just because they were educated, they were better than everyone else!

Of course Jak realized, not everyone was like that. Some teachers were good and genuinely worked hard to give their students a good education.

However, most teachers were either too nice or too strict instead of being somewhere in the middle.

Being too nice means that the kids will ruthlessly stomp all over you and not give you an ounce of respect. Be too strict and they'll despise you and probably slip rat poison into your tea or drink if you happen to be unfortunate enough to teach a bunch of hyperactive Lakedaemon students, that is.

D: *clears throat* Excuse me?

W: What is it this time? Was it something I said?

D: You're criticizing the Lakedaemon people deliberately-

W: Criticize? Sometimes being hyperactive can be good!

D: Somehow you enjoy making the oddest things somehow good-

W: That's better than trying to make the oddest things all bad. Explains why you're so miserable, the way you try and make everything negative.

Jak's POV

As I was on my way, I bumped into Lucy by accident and she looked annoyed for some reason.

"I see that you're late already. Can you remind me what the punishment for lateness is? Silly brat." She glared at me.

She was definitely in a bad mood today. Maybe she lost in a game with my dad. Oh well..whatever.

What did she ask me? Was it punishment for lateness?- something I don't really care or remember- Oh shit! She called me a silly brat! How dare she!

"Hey. Long time no see. I know you're always so angry so no need to take it out on me. Oh and wait! Please help me! Find out a way for me to make it to school on time. Please. Do that thing you did last time!" I said

"What thing?" She asked

"A piggyback. Pick me up and run to my school. You're really tall and fast and-" I explained

"All right then. Don't get used to this! I'm not your slave!" Lucy replied

She actually helped me out! She gave me a piggyback and dropped me off at the school gates.

"Don't get used to this. You're only 8 and at your age do whatever it takes to survive. School is a hostile and dangerous place sometimes." She warned

You may think she was overreacting but she was telling the truth.

School started for everyone at the age of 6.

As well as colouring in or learning the alphabet or whatever else 6 year olds learn in school, all able students are expected to jog 20 laps around the 200 metre track in the school field for their morning warm up. After this while they are still warmed up, they practice their stretching and improve on their flexibility.

They can then eat breakfast provided but there's a limited amount so the students know they will have to fight for it. The weak often end up hungry.

Compared to the rest of the world, Lakedaemon people occasionally suffer from food shortages so it's not odd for a Lakedaemon person to go several months eating only once a day! It was rare for someone in Lakedaemon to have never experienced hunger before during any point of their lives.

Once a week in school, they sing songs about their country and then create their own ones (about once or twice a year) to present to their teachers in order to instill in them pride and courage that empower them as individuals and beloved citizens of Lakedaemon. This is done in order to encourage the children to love their country.

Lakedaemon children are brought up to become strong and have a 'warrior mind' in the hopes of making their ancestors as well as the legendary warriors of Lakedaemon proud. Everyone aspires to live life the way that the founder of Lakedaemon lived.

The founder of Lakedaemon, Kall who so rightly earned the title 'Demon King' was brave, fearless and manly. He valued independence and admired those who weren't afraid to be themselves and those who stayed true to what they believed. He believed that nobody had the right to control others which is why he refused to be considered a ruler.

"Rule yourselves and be kind to each other. Value friendship, justice, truth and real freedom. Lakedaemon needs no real ruler. It only needs to be guided by a force that is indisputably good. Now find that force within yourselves as well as outwards. Think for yourselves and be true to yourselves. That is all." The Demon King would often say.

Fordos IV (The current ruler of the world) has taken control of most of the world's population. Only a few small islands remained independent. Lakedaemon, a secure and secretive country was the only large country that managed to stay independent thanks to the Warrior Way that kept everyone strong.

Now, Jak had a normal school day and only two students challenged him to a fight. Jak knocked both of them out and walked away victorious. The teacher observing the fight smiled and felt glad that the boy fought them fairly and didn't continue beating them whilst they were on the ground.

Note: The events below take place when Jak grows up (in his 20s) and is made to move to Fordos' country.

Jak got a phone call from his boss. He listened, hearing about the target he was supposed to eliminate. Naturally, he let Rosa accompany him.

Jak and Rosa both wore elegant clothing as they walked towards the car that the man owned. The man had his target in mind. Tony Walkers. A terrorist who ran over dozens of children and adults during The Grand Fordos festival. A festival held in randomly selected countries to celebrate the World Ruler's birthday. The terrorist had gone into hiding. His brutality even made the police force cower before him; so he had gotten away. He had to be executed to pay for his crimes. He passed the info to Rosa.

As usual, her heart was racing and looked as if she was going to pass out. But what was weird was that she always wanted to see him kill his targets but she'd still shiver nervously, sweating as she continued to watch but refusing to kill a target herself.

Jak's POV (Point of View)

Being an executioner is kinda shit. Sometimes you hate it and sometimes you love it if the criminal's interesting. Having a last chat with them is interesting sometimes. Especially interesting if he's an asshole like Tony Walkers.

I'm not a ruthless cold murderer. The people I execute are horrible people who are a danger to people's lives. Horrible people who must be stopped. A genuine danger to this weak feeble society of Fordos. Don't think I'm only doing it to save Fordos! The man killed many people who were important to me. To avenge them, I'm not letting this slide. They were researching the almost erased history of World War 3 and what could've triggered it as well as how Fordos took over the world and this bastard, Tony Walkers, killed them! I will make him suffer that's for sure!


The execution was just as gory as Jak was hoping it to be. Jak was certain that he'd remember Tony and the way he'd taunted the 'piece of shit' and judged him on his pained screaming.

"I wanna hear you scream. Beg for mercy, bitch pig." Jak said, smiling rather sadistically.

"Why? Just kill me already you pervert! You're sick! I'm not making a creep like you satisfied." He yelled, shaking

"I thought I told you to scream, Tony." Jak reminded him coolly

Blood had sprayed out as Jak slashed through the man's Carotid Artery.

A loud scream from the man followed shortly afterwards.

"Hmm. That's not a good enough scream. You sound like you desperately need to be hit by my hammer." He said coolly and was frightfully calm.

Jak took out his Hammer. The terrorist's skull was cracked open and he was bleeding out fast. Jak took off his helmet, smiling as he looked at his blood covered clothes and his palms that were soaked by some of the blood.

"Target eliminated." He spoke, giggling because he'd reminded himself of his father

"How bravely he fought in the clash with the Sinister Blue and Fordos' Death Squad! He's at peace now. Resting. Lakedaemon is keeping him safe and sound. How caring she is!" Jak muttered to himself

Shivering with pure excitement Jak felt his heart beating faster than usual. It was a long time since he'd been given a target and this bubble-wrapped country was driving him crazy! The thrill of fighting and pursuing his enemies or targets were and is still what he considered to be one of his greatest pleasures.


Jak got his reward from his Boss. 100,000 volkan klubs for killing the guy. The Boss who hired Jak however was disappointed at the mess left at the execution site and gave him a good scolding.