An introduction to Fordos IV.

W: Just because this is an auxiliary chapter does not mean that this chapter is unimportant.

D: You're introducing the world emperor Fordos IV this quickly?

W: Yes I am. Got a problem with that?

D: Nope but I was just thinking-

W: What?

D: You're a bit like Fordos IV yourself.

W: Nah. No I am not. You can't prove that.

Who is Fordos IV? He's just the current ruler of the world. He's the only son of Fordos III. His father supposedly died of natural causes when Fordos IV was 12 years old. There were many legends and rumors created as to how Fordos III might've died so mysteriously. Some may be true but many conspiracies are rather too abstract to be true. A popular conspiracy is that Fordos IV tried to turn his own father into a cyborg but the experiment failed tragically.

Another conspiracy is that an ancient extraterrestrial creature devoured him. Many people believe this because Fordos III's entire body vanished from this world except for his right hand. When people found him, only his right hand was left on the ground surrounded by a circle of salt. The hand was covered in a strange purple slime-like liquid. Its chemical composition couldn't be identified by anyone!

If you were to meet Fordos IV face to face, no one could predict exactly what would happen to you because he was that unpredictable and just about anything could annoy him! The world known as The Great Blue is currently occupied by a total madman with the strangest whims. He was once seen running about a mile to chase after two people. One of them did something that could've gotten her killed instantly if Fordos was having a bad day!

Fordos was shopping at an ordinary shopping mall. He wore a brown hat to disguise himself even though he detested that colour. He accidentally bumped into this woman which caused him and her to fall over and his brown hat was knocked off.

"Watch where you're going you lanky creep!" She said

The man who was with her became paralyzed in fear as soon as he realized who she was insulting.

"Hey! You must apologize now!!! It's--"

"What? Don't tell me you're scared of this pervy weirdo?!"

"Just who do you think you're talking to?" Fordos boomed, looking extremely angry

He grabbed her and lifted her up from the ground like she was a baby. Her face was now facing his and her feet was lifted off the ground.

"You fucking Bitch. How dare you disrespect me like that? How dare you disrespect anyone in Volkan like that?" Fordos shouted, still holding her up whilst she was hyperventilating.

She was scared because Fordos had the authority to execute anyone who did something wrong to him even if they didn't commit a crime but simply made him angry or upset!

For instance, if they bumped into Fordos without apologizing, if the Emperor felt like it, he'd execute that person and nobody could say anything!

Suddenly, he let go of her and threw her to the floor. She fell to the floor gasping and coughing.

"Lord Fordos. Please forgive me. I-I.. Please I am so sorry. I didn't know." She said, wanting to stay alive

She was now in tears.

"We'll do anything. Just please let her go." He tried to persuade

Fordos looked at them and found their begging and pleading amusing. He chuckled then his chuckles transformed into a crazy maniacal laugh.

"We'll do anything." He taunted, cackling

"Please." She pleaded again

"Never! So try to run away from me and run fast! Watch what happens if I ever come across those detestable faces of yours once again!" Fordos replied

Waiting no more, they dashed out and Fordos dashed after them still laughing very loudly.

They ran for about a mile until they both fell to the ground from exhaustion.

"Hmm. You know, for such a short little bitch, I am surprised that you can run that fast but my cyborgs can beat you anytime so that's really not so impressive." Fordos said

He pulled her towards him and crouched down a little and leaning into her slightly. He reached into his pocket and got out his black lipstick. He then put on a fresh coating and his lips now shone against the bright sunlight.

She was now more than just scared. He was just holding her and she was squirming but he was still holding her tightly and not letting go. The more she struggled, the wider the smirk on his face got.

She wished that her first encounter with the King could've went a lot better. Now she was certain that he would kill her but what was taking him so long?

'I deserve to die for insulting our great young leader' she thought.

Getting killed by Fordos seemed like the best way to go, according to her.

However, she didn't want to die this early. She was young and had a whole life ahead of her.

Fordos noticed her calming down a lot more than before and frowned a little because she was getting too comfortable. He was still hurt by her rudeness earlier and he wanted her to feel his pain! He grinned at the young man she was with and shot a glare at him.

"Were you going to ask me to let her go?" Fordos IV asked

"N-No I-I wasn't going to do that, World Emperor Fordos IV."

"How formal of you. Using my full title like that. Is she your girlfriend?"

"Y-Yes she is."

"I'm going to take her from you. Won't you do anything? Or will you let me keep her?"

"If you want to, you can." He said, hesitatingly

"Think about what you're saying. Have a thought of your own won't you? Will you save her or give her to me? Make the correct choice. Otherwise, I'll shoot you dead."

The young man was troubled with his thoughts.

He thought that if he tried to save her, he'd disobey Fordos which was a grave crime. Fordos would probably shoot him. If he gave his girlfriend to Fordos, he would lose the woman he loved.

'This is so heartbreaking but I guess I'll give her to the Emperor.' He thought

"Choose!" Fordos shouted

"Please don't." She pleaded

"I'm sorry but I guess I-I'll give her to you."

"Ok. I understand." Fordos spoke surprisingly calmly

The young man gave a sigh of relief.

Perhaps Fordos would spare his life. He had hope that he'd be able to live.

"How unmanly of you. You don't have the courage to protect what you love. You foolish feeble idiotic man! You refuse to put your life at risk and so I ask you, do you really deserve to live?" Fordos spoke

Hope had blinded him. Hope had mislead him into thinking that he would survive then abandoned him at the very last minute. Then despair struck him. However, his soul hadn't completely given up and so he resorted to making apologies, begging and pleading so that his life could be saved.

"FORDOS. I'M SORRY." He cried

"How pathetic. He doesn't care about you, young lady." Fordos replied coldly

The loud and deafening sound of a gunshot was heard and her boyfriend was now shot dead. She tried to look down at her feet but Fordos lifted her face back up to see her fallen boyfriend.

"Just kill me already. What's taking so long?" She said

She was starting to get enough of all this.

"Patience. Do you have a death wish? Would you like to be killed by anyone else?" He replied.

"I really don't want to be killed by anyone else. Only you can decide what my fate will be. I don't have a death wish." She answered

"Very well. Good answer. I've chosen to spare you. That will be your fate." He smiled

She gave a sigh of relief.

Fordos stepped closer towards her.

"On one condition." He spoke

He pulled out a photograph of a young boy.

The young boy wasn't actually a young boy! According to the poster, he's 20 years old. His name was One and he was modified by Fordos to have Cyborg like properties. He had blond hair that went down to his shoulders. His skin colour was very very light blue and he seemed to be wearing shiny purple coloured lipstick. He was skinny and had cute features. He was only wearing green shorts in the photo. He was smiling.

"Have you seen him? He got lost on this part of town recently."

"I am sorry but I-"


"I haven't seen him. I am sorry. Who is he?"

"It's a small town! Please help me out would you? He was just a small scrawny kid when I found him. I've upgraded him and now he's become an intelligent and useful cyborg. You will help me find him if you want to live." Fordos ordered

She agreed and went back with Fordos to his Castle.


W: Unfortunately, this situation is quite common. Some say that Fordos is too intelligent to just kill anyone he comes across even though he has that privilege. By looking at the person and studying their responses to his questions, Fordos can quickly test a person's true intent and take the appropriate action. But sometimes due to inner urges, he shoots certain people down. Some that he thinks give off a different energy to what he is comfortable with. This is what makes him so dangerous and feared by all.

If you happen to run into someone like Fordos you must avoid bumping into him, you must speak truthfully and not act arrogantly or be a smart-ass, you must treat him the way that you would like to be treated but most of all, try to avoid encountering him to guarantee your safety.