9- Pancake Town/Hawkstorm the outlaw!

Jonny and his son arrived at Pancake town by jetpack. Jonny miniaturized the jetpack to fit inside the bag.

"Jak. Do you wanna know why this town is called Pancake town?"

"Yeah, why's it called Pancake town? Do they have lots of delicious pancakes?"

"Maybe. Apparently there were three mountains outside this town that looked ugly and were in the way, so a fat giant stomped on each one, flattening it into large thick pancakes."

"Wow! Is that true?"

"Yes. I think so at least. But others say that Kall drank too many Rainbow Potions and commanded the ugly looking mountains to 'kneel and meet their fate.' The mountains stayed put so he used his power to blow up the mountains to 'give them a makeover' and out of the explosion, 3 pancake-like rocks replaced the mountains."

"The Demon King sure was a crazy man. Was he on drugs?"

"I don't think he was. I think it's just a silly rumour but believe what you wish."

Jonny checked his boat while Jak waited outside the boat.

"Who in the fuck are you two?!" Jonny said

"What? Dad, what's going on?"

Two girls stepped out of their hiding places in his small boat.

They were really short compared to Jonny and one of them had brown hair tied up in a ponytail and the other girl had black hair, wore glasses and held a notebook and a pen. They whispered something to each other.

Jonny walked closer towards them as they slowly retreated. He cleared his throat.

"What's the meaning of this? Where the hell did you two come from and why? Are you spies or-"

The first girl continued to stare at Jonny and the 2nd one just scribbled something in her notebook.

"I guess they'll have to tag along with us now that they're here."

The first girl smiled and spoke up.

"My name is Sama and the glasses girl is called Tama."

"Where did you come from and how old are you two midgets?" Jonny asked

"We're explorers and seekers of freedom! I've sneaked into your boat to see new places with my friend here. I am 18 and Tama is 19." Sama replied

"How honest of you. I'll just go to that restaurant over there and eat. If you wanna tag along with us, you can." Jonny said


"Lakedaemon is such a cool place isn't it?" Jak asked them

"Wow! I knew something was up. That man is way too tall to be from anywhere else. I can't believe we're here! It's the lawless country full of freedom and powerful warriors!" Tama replied

"Don't be too optimistic. It's best to get out of here before you get into any danger." Jonny warned

"No way! We wanna be explorers too you know. It's rare to get a big opportunity like this you know. It's cool that you've all rebelled against Fordos." Sama said

"You're saying too much, Sama."

"I need to pee. I'll be right back." Jak said, going into the bathroom.


"These toilets are weird and gross. I'd rather pee outside." Jak mumbled quietly to himself

Jak had just finished peeing when he heard a man get kicked so hard his back hit the door hard, causing it to violently swing open then the man fell on the floor on his back.

He had all black clothing and wore a shiny purple skull helmet that only covered the top half of his face, leaving his mouth and chin bare. He also had a beautiful curved sword.

As he fell on the ground, the helmet came off, revealing his silver hair.

"The K100,000 reward is ours."

"All right then boys. If you say so. How will you beat me and take me to the 'King'?" The man on the floor spoke

"Shut up! You're on the floor right now so don't act high and mighty."

The man got up with ease then yawned and stretched his arms.

"Yeah you're right. I sure am high and mighty." He laughed

"Hey swordsman. Who are those fat old ugly bastards?" Jak asked, giggling

The man started laughing.

"Why you disrespectful brat! How dare you?!"

"Why don't you brush your teeth? I can smell your smelly breath from all the way over here." Jak continued

One of the three men who were angry at Jak decided to throw a dagger at the boy.

Jak gasped, too shocked to react quickly enough.

He wasn't hurt.

The swordsman had moved and had gotten in front of Jak, protecting him.

The dagger went deep through his chest.

Even Jak was too shocked to say anything.

"You're going to regret that, yellow toothed bastards." The swordsman grinned

The three of them started cackling, thinking that they had won.

The swordsman pointed at the man who threw the dagger.

Jak noticed that the man who threw the dagger was now bleeding from the chest in the same area that the swordsman was stabbed!

The swordsman pulled the dagger out of his chest, wiped off his blue blood that was dripping off the dagger then regenerated himself, making his chest wound heal.

"Y-You're a Demon. A level 4 Demon." Jak said

The man was gasping and bleeding out, hoping that someone would take him to a hospital.

"Do you think I should heal them or slow down their blood flow then have someone take them to a Hospital?"

"Heal them. If they attack you again, kill them and explain that it was self defense. You won't get arrested." Jak replied

"You're an interesting little boy. I think I'll try that. Do you want to try capturing me to get the K100,000 reward?"

"No thanks. I don't need K100,000 right now. Can you tell me your name instead? And what's that Ability of yours and how does it work?" Jak asked

The swordsman healed them and they ran away as soon as possible, not wanting to fight him again.

"People call me Hawkstorm the Outlaw. Please call me Hawkstorm. My Ability is called Ripple Repel or R.R for short. Any attack I receive from any weapon hurts the actual opponent instead whereas, I'll only be slightly wounded no matter what weapon is used! This is my Ability."

"Wow, that's a powerful Ability. Are you also a swordsman?"

The swordsman nodded, smiling slightly then told Jak to follow him.

Jonny was ordering dessert and didn't notice Jak follow Hawkstorm.


"Jak Price. I know we've only met but I'm tracking down my father. He was in the forest with the King Tree briefly. I want to kill him. Every attempt ends up the same. He overpowers me and beats me severely. I was hoping that your father could help me beat him. I need to kill him." Hawkstorm said


"He's a terrible demon and a terrible dad. He enjoys fighting strong people but he does something unspeakable to them when they lose. His selfish death matches have hurt many Lakedaemon people. He has no respect for our country. He's powerful so he always gets away with his crimes. He left me and my mum when I was 10 and didn't ever come back. I've always tried tracking him down and made many attempts to kill him but he always wins. I told him that mum died a long time ago but he told me that he doesn't care and that if I died, he wouldn't even bother coming to my funeral. I have a feeling he hates me."

"Whoa." Jak responded, feeling overwhelmed at being overloaded with information

"Because he's an important man and I've threatened his life many times, he's persuaded the King to put a large bounty on my head. It's gone up to K100,000! I swear I'll make sure he dies. He hurt my mum and did something unforgivable to her a long time ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I'm sorry I'm talking about myself all the time. What about you? What about your dad? Or your mum? Are they both human? My mum was human."

"I think so. At least, my mum is human. I'm not so sure about my dad. There's something he's hiding from me. He was eating food at that place. He has long black hair and he's tall-"

"Oh so that's your dad huh. He looks quite young. His scent wasn't human. Or even completely demon. Probably, it was a mix of both. He's not a level 1 demon right? I sensed it. He's unusually powerful."

"I dunno but there was a tattoo on his back of some kind of eye-"

"An eye? It can't be! Your dad belongs to 'that man'?!" Hawkstorm gasped

'I'm so sorry, Jak.' Hawkstorm thought

Jonny walked out of the restaurant and found his son talking to a strange swordsman.

"Your scent is strangely familiar, old demon. We need to go, Jak." Jonny said

"My scent? The familiar scent you're referring to actually doesn't belong to me. I've kept a small piece of cloth belonging to 'him' in my pocket to track him down better."

"I see. You want him dead too?" Jonny asked

"Yes. It's revenge for what he did to my mum." Hawkstorm replied

Jonny shook his head.

"Even with the two of us, he'll beat us easily. I need to train a lot more if I ever want to fight him again. If we fight him too soon, he'll beat us into submission and have his way with us for sure." Jonny said sadly

"Well, that is what he does but I'll still keep trying for the good of Lakedaemon. Jak. Jak's dad. It was nice meeting you two. I need to keep moving. That comes with being a notorious criminal, having a large bounty and all that. Goodbye Jak. If you were a bit older, maybe we'd become good friends."

"But I see you as my friend already, Hawkstorm." Jak replied

Hawkstorm the Outlaw left and started to walk.


"Tama. Don't worry. Demons don't normally eat people. And not everyone in Lakedaemon is a demon." Jonny tried to explain

Tama was currently clutching onto Jonny's leg, nervous of the onlookers' stares.

And Jonny was starting to get annoyed.

"Will you get off my leg? I don't care how scared you are!" Jonny said

Jonny suddenly stepped back causing Tama to bump her forehead against his upper thigh.

She stopped holding onto his leg.



"We had an intense training session today. Are you tired? You should be. It's 9 pm son. Time to sleep." Jonny said

"I don't want to sleep though. Mum lets me stay up till 11 pm." Jak protested

"Bullshit. Your mum's normally asleep by 11 pm. And she makes you go to bed by 9."

"Sleep is boring. Sleep is annoying. Sleep gets in the way of having fun. I hate sleep."

"Sleep is important. Sleep allows the body to rest so it works much better next time we want to use our muscles or solve difficult problems. Sleep gives us the energy we need."

"Give me 10 minutes then I'll sleep." Jak replied

"Fine." Jonny responded back


"10 years. It has been 10 years since I've properly talked to my precious. I wronged him. Believe me when I say that I was compelled. I couldn't help it. My desire was too strong. Those shining brown eyes, his long hair, his strength, his beauty. I miss him so much! I really do."

"Maybe speaking to him for once instead of stalking him is the best way."

"Hate to say it but maybe you're right."