12- A broken soul/The girl with the cookies.

Jonny is confused and almost emotionally broken as he cannot comprehend why on earth Arkhon would visit him again after more than 10 years.


Jonny woke up lying on the cold ground of the forest and wondered just how long he'd been lying there.

"My soul was nearly split into 8 pieces so how and why am I still alive after all this time?" he thought.

Jonny tried to sit up, his body still trembling. Trying to convince himself that it was just the cold and that Arkhon coming to visit him after all those years was just a horrible dream, he clutched onto some leaves on the ground in frustration.

The damage to his soul meant that even though he'd miraculously lived, his emotions, thoughts and memories were weakening. The only to fix his soul and gain his full powers was to surrender to Arkhon and become a Level 1 meaning that he would be unable to hate him anymore.

And hate was one of the only strong emotions he could still feel and relish in. Hatred that stemmed from being used then tossed away for over 10 years by someone he admired so much! The thought of not being able to hate Arkhon and have to follow his every command made him feel uneasy. He'd rather die but try as he might, his new demon healing powers made it harder for him to die.

"I was weak. Arkhon took pity on me. He didn't kill me. I was never worthy of killing. I admired him hopelessly, but in his eyes, I was never worthy enough. He..he..he- It's my fault for confronting him..." he said to himself.

Images of Arkhon smiling and beckoning Jonny to avenge his fallen friends flashed through his mind.

The horrid image of Arkhon carrying his friends' heads like collections of toys, slowly stroking each of them one by one and kissing their cold foreheads before nailing them to a tree.

That tree ran cold with their blood!

His beloved friends (now fallen corpses), nailed to a tree, also engraved itself to Jonny's mind.

Feeling this strange sensation in his stomach and chest, his throat burned as he gasped for air. Feeling as though his heart had been squeezed his muscles shook violently as he threw up on the ground next to a hollow tree.

Jonny felt like he was suffocating.

His confusion. His lack of understanding. His heart that cried out from deep sorrow! The pain caused by Arkhon's return was too much for him to cope with. He felt ashamed and now was forced awake from his previous delusion that time could heal and that in time, he could forget Arkhon completely.

Shadows surrounded him and whispered "Follow our Master Arkhon and submit to the beauty that even he is searching for! Don't be so stubborn or suffer for the rest of your life."

Or were they only auditory illusions?


Jonny couldn't take it anymore.

Picking up the knife in his pocket, he stood up and took off his torn shirt.

He stabbed his back where the Brand was located.

He groaned in pain being glad that his ability to feel pain had not been taken away. The blood ran cold down his back. A few minutes later that deep stab wound healed itself, leaving the faintest scar. He hated his demon body for being so efficient. Grabbing an axe, he swung it, leaving a long fresh cut along his back. This one stung much more.

He repeated his actions, trying not to cut into his skin too deeply as he still wanted keep feeling his self inflicted pain. The Brand glowed again then Jonny recognized that Arkhon was able to sense the blood running down his back and was wondering what on Earth was happening to him. Each cut was healing rapidly, disappearing as if nothing had happened to his back.

Jonny could tell that his Brand was glowing because he noticed that it tingled whenever it was glowing.

Jonny's eyes glowed red and he sat down, putting all his weapons down.

He was daydreaming about what it would be like to kill the man responsible for putting him in so much pain. He uttered Arkhon's name then chuckled.

His Bloodlust had caused him to relish on the morbid fantasy of getting his revenge and killing Arkhon once and for all. But he secretly wanted Arkhon to be lured in by his blood. He wished for Arkhon to kill him and to finally be able to rest in peace! To Jonny, that was the way that his death match with Arkhon should've ended! Instead, Arkhon had given into his 'common' desire and disgraced Jonny instead of ending the fight the way that he should've ended it!

Jonny's eyes watered.

'A death match. A sacred fight to the death between two people. The winner lives and the loser is given an honorable warrior's death by the winner. That is the art of the death match. But Arkhon had lost his way. He no longer follows this sacred rule and derives pleasure from disgracing the loser as much as he can whilst still keeping them alive. Arkhon was beautiful once! He taught me what he knew about beauty. He was a lover of all things beautiful. He moved me to search for true beauty, to become a 'beauty connoisseur'. That day on my 12th birthday, at that lake, I drew a beautiful man with the brown wings of desire that tormented him. Empty like I was, endlessly searching for bliss. A man beautiful in all aspects. Someone quite 'Price-like'. That man was Arkhon!' Jonny thought


Jonny felt someone gently tap him on the shoulder.

He opened his eyes to see a small child who was in the forest alone.

She had long wavy silver hair and had rosy cheeks even though she was quite tanned.

She was holding a bowl of cookies but nothing else.

She was staring at Jonny.

"What do you want, brat? Where are your parents? It's getting late, kid." Jonny said

"Do you want a cookie? Please have some." She smiled

Jonny didn't know what to say. It wasn't normal for a small child to go to a forest all alone and offer to give him cookies.

"Well, the thing is-" Jonny started

"S-So y-you don't want them? I-I MADE THEM MYSELF! WHY? WHY NOT?" She asked, her eyes watering.

She started crying loudly and Jonny felt bad.

"No wait kid! Wait! I'd love to eat those cookies. I really do! Don't cry." Jonny said

"Really?" She asked, sniffing tearfully

Jonny faked a smile then tried to eat one of the cookies.

"It's delicious! I've never tasted such delicious cookies before!" Jonny said sincerely

She started crying again but this time out of happiness.

She grabbed onto his leg, held on and hugged him.

"Thank you so much! And now, I'm going to become your bride-" She said in a cheery voice

"W-WHAT?!" Jonny replied shocked, the cookie crumbs flying out of his mouth

"Oh wait. That can only happen if you make me my favorite food, burger and chips!" She shouted then started giggling again

"You're a weird kid you know that." Jonny replied, shaking his head

"You're weird too for being all alone in a scary forest like this one. What were you doing? Thinking of killing yourself?" She asked, giggling

"How do you know what suicide is? When I was small, I didn't even know what that was. So, how old are you? I think my son's a bit older than you."

"How old is he? I'm six years old."

"He's eight years old."

"Oh, that means he'll probably be in the Tournament Games next summer. So, were you going to kill yourself here? If you are, my dad told me, that tree over there is perfect for hanging yourself." She replied, pointing to a very tall tree.

"Why would he tell you something like that? Anyway, what's your name?"

"My name is S."

"S? Just S?"

"Yes. What's your name?"


"Jonny? I think I've heard of you. A-Actually, never mind."


"I-I think my dad likes you." She said

"What?" Jonny replied, choosing not to take her words so seriously.

She was just a kid anyway.

Jonny couldn't help but notice that she looked a lot like someone he knew but didn't want to jump to conclusions.

She had the same silver hair, the same rosy cheeks.

'She can't be that man's daughter, right?' Jonny thought

She squeaked and closed her eyes with her hands.

"Surely, it can't be! You're looking at me. Maybe you did want me to be your bride! Don't be shy!" She laughed out loud, jumping up and down

"No! That's not it! You look very similar to a man I know." Jonny explained

S started tearing up again.

"So you don't like me?! Even though you liked my homemade cookies! I can't be your b-bride?!" She started crying loudly again but Jonny wanted her to stop crying.

"Ok ok ok! Fine! You can become my bride one day! Happy?" Jonny said quickly in an effort to make her stop crying

"YEAH!! ALL RIGHT! I WILL BE A BRIDE! I WILL BE YOUR BRIDE!" She cheered in a sing-song voice

Jonny was obviously lying to her to keep her happy.

"Jonny. You know the other day, my dad visited me. He forgot my name again but that's ok b-because he has lots and lots of children. They're too many to remember! I have a half-brother who's a swordsman. He's really old but he's a demon so you can't really tell and he looks mean but he's really nice. And he tried to kill dad again but dad knocked him out, whacked him with his sword and threw him out of the window! It was funny! He taught me how to make pancakes! He's the nicest big brother!"

"Is his name Hawkstorm by any chance?"

"Wow! How did you know?" She replied

"My son met him recently. I have a feeling I know who your dad is." Jonny said

"Who. Try and guess." S said

"It's Arkhon isn't it?" Jonny asked her


"And your mum?"

"She's called Holly but my dad has a nickname for her."

"What's that?" Jonny asked

"Weakling. Even though she's a demon as well, dad's so much stronger."

"He calls her weakling? And she doesn't mind?"

"I think she doesn't mind. Actually, I think she's scared of him but he's not that bad. He's so nice to me and buys me whatever I want. There's a reason he calls her 'weakling'. She was angry at him one day and I was hiding somewhere but watching in secret! She wanted to break up with him but Arkhon told her that if she wins in a fight against him, she can leave him."

"That unmanly bastard!" Jonny replied, making her giggle because he'd accidentally sworn in front of her.

"So, she said yes to fight him. She was scared but wanted to win so he'd leave. That's why she said yes. He told her to tie both his arms together behind his back. He promised that he wouldn't use his Ability. They fought for a long time but Arkhon ended up beating her with both arms tied behind his back. He was so strong but she was struggling and struggling, trying to win. He saw her struggling and his orange eyes turned red again. He held her to the floor by stepping on her throat. I got scared and thought she'd die but I couldn't get out of my hiding place. Anyway, he used his strongness to release his arms. He got his foot off her, grabbed her and kissed her! 'Gross', I thought but at least that meant that things were gonna be normal again. He also said 'Struggling weakling. I love those who have the courage to keep struggling. Do you really think I love the strong when I'm strong myself? I love you.' I don't really know what he meant but whatever!" She explained, and Jonny was impressed with her speaking skills.

For a six year old, she was an excellent speaker!

'What a good speaker she is! But strongness isn't a real word.' Jonny thought

"A-Arkhon really said that? He loves the weak who struggle? He's indifferent to the strong? And are you and your mum alright now?" Jonny asked

"Of course! But my dad got bored of her recently and now he visits sometimes." She said

"Oh I see. It's getting late. It was nice knowing you. And don't worry. I'm not gonna commit suicide."

"Ok goodbye then!" She said, grabbing the rest of the cookies and leaving the forest.

'What a weirdo.' Jonny thought


Jonny's regeneration ability wasn't as good as he thought they were.

The cuts from his axe that were healing all reopened again!

Jonny winced in pain as his back was now covered in cuts that refused to heal themselves. A pool of sweat, blood and tears pooled the ground like a puddle surrounding his boots.

Suddenly, Jonny's thoughts became clear until thoughts of his son popped into his head.

He felt guilty about letting his emotions get in the way of training his son for the Tournament Games. He had responsibilities and a family who cared about him after all!

"I'm so sorry. Jak, my son! I'm coming to get you!"

He immediately regretted his actions of harming himself in an attempt to distract himself from the pain caused by Arkhon returning after all this time. Feeling dizzy from the loss of blood, he struggled onwards and dragged his heavy bones to his parent's house where his son was staying.

All his cuts were healing too slowly because of his excessive blood loss.

Not knowing what time of day it was, he knocked on his parents' door.

The door was opened by his mother and his son was next to her.

"Oh no! What happened to you son?! Who did this to you?!" Mary said, feeling worried

Jonny stood there covered in blood, breathing heavily, noticing the trail and footprints of blood following his steps. He lacked the energy to reply.

"I'm sorry." Jonny said faintly

"Did you get sent to kill too many strong bad guys again? It's ok. It's just your job." Jak said

Jonny smiled back at his son then collapsed on the floor revealing his many cuts on his back as well as the brand he was always so desperate to hide.