21 - Arkhon and the eagles.

Sitting down whilst bringing his legs and knees up to his chest, Arkhon looked up at the sky.

"They showed me the proper way to live. T-they s-saved me!" Arkhon spoke

He stuttered whilst trying to speak up.

"The eagles?"

"I was poor as a child. We often missed dinner two nights in a row. My parents thought I was just a burden to them. I'd spend almost all day watching the eagles and other birds flying about and living their lives. Everything about those animals was so beautiful to me."

"Ok. How did they save you?"

"I'm getting to that part. My dream was to win in a fight against the Demon King. Even though I was only a child, he never held back. My regeneration abilities were seen as unnaturally fast at the time so even when the Demon King stabbed me in the chest with a long spear, I healed very fast. All this fell apart w-when my parents..my own parents did s-something unforgivable to me."

Jak stayed silent, letting him speak.

"Jak. This may be too terrible for you to hear."

"I am not as fragile as you think. You have to tell me."

"I-I was sold off to a strange man for 1.5 b-billion klubs. My own parents sold me for the money. This is proof that they never loved me. His tastes were very odd and he delighted in testing my regeneration abilities' limits. He did other things to me too. It was during world war 3. I was 12 years old at the time. I became almost broken and found myself yearning for these new feelings he taught me. My regeneration abilities began to weaken just a little. One day, I stopped speaking. The wicked man's words still haunt me. This is what he told me 'My precious little demon isn't letting out his beautiful voice. Perhaps I've been too rough on him and he died. But haven't I been tending to his wounds like a concerned lover?' I blacked out. I then saw a bright light and two giant eagles protected me whilst I was in their nest. They reminded me about the their own way of life and told me that only the strong have the right to spread their wings and take everything for themselves in this rotten world, and in following that Way I would never be weak again!"

Arkhon paused as he tried to wipe away his tears.

'Dammit! I can't stop these stupid tears.' 

"I understand now. Please don't push yourself like this, Arkhon. Don't re-awaken the bad memories."

Jak approached Arkhon and placed his hand on his knee.

"Sorry. I-I told you about those terrible things. I tried not to go into detail. You're only a child. My innocence shattered long ago in the hands of that monster. I managed to escape and before I knew it, I'd killed and eaten that man to avoid starving to death. All I could see at that moment was red."

"But you're alright now. Now you have plenty of money and you're part of the Sparkles." Jak said

Arkhon laughed.

"Don't you mean the Circle?" 

"Oops! My dad will kill me if I don't hurry up and go home already!

"Don't worry. I've sensed that he's quite far awa- Oh shit!!!"

Jak rushed to hide behind Arkhon.

"Don't tell me, dad's behind us?!"

"This energy feels different from your dad. Hold on.. WE'RE DOOMED!!!" Arkhon spoke

They heard someone clear their throat. Turning around, Arkhon felt his non-existent soul just leave his body as he rushed to explain himself.

"Mum?!! What are you doing here?"

"M-Master." She barely whispered

Jonny frowned.

"Surprise, surprise Arkhon. What are you doing with my son? Lets talk about the multiple shadows of yours that continue to irritate me and Alice." Jonny spoke

"Wait dad! He apologized to me and the shadow-gatherer can't be retrieved from the body until the persons' dead. Only the Demon king can-"

"Don't worry Jak. You don't need to stick up for me."

Jonny powered up, getting ready to get his son back from him and teach him a lesson with his fists.

"It's useless. You're much weaker than I am right now. Can't you just obey me? We can have lots of fun together. You, me and Alice too."

"SHUT UP!!! THAT'LL NEVER HAPPEN!!!" Jonny roared

"I guess it'll just be me and Alice. Weakling, come here darling."

"No! You'd better be joking. Alice don't listen to him. Resist the command!" 

Alice slowly walked over to Arkhon, she was too afraid to resist.

"How lovely. And I haven't even made her my level 1 demon yet. She can follow orders better than you can."

"These scary shadows.. please stop the shadows, master."

'Was that really my wife talking?!' Jonny thought.

Arkhon smiled and pulled her towards his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Dozens of shadows bounded Jonny to the ground making him face the two of them.

"Damn you shadows. Get off me! DON'T TOUCH M-"

"We'll have to embrace the shadows, Jonny. After all, they don't really want to hurt us. Arkhon told me that."

"No. I won't! I won't allow them to toy with me. They will slowly corrupt me until I am longing for the real thing!"

The shadows continued with their soft gentle embrace.


Arkhon smiled, glad that Jonny was being so honest.

"Having trouble restraining yourself? Perhaps my shadows are spoiling you far too much.  I could see the confusion and bliss you're going through right now. The shadows, that my shadow-gatherer attracts to you and Alice, also belong to me."

"Well then. Tell them to STOP!!!"

"Fine. Shadows, you've had your fun now. Stop." Arkhon spoke

Jonny tried to stand up, despite his shaking legs and tried to compose himself once more.

Arkhon had managed to stop the shadows from completely tearing up his clothing after the struggle fight against the shadows.

"Master. Master. He is ready to listen and submit now. We have made him more longing." The shadows chanted in unison.

All this time, one shadow had surrounded Jak to block most of his vision whilst the others rushed towards Alice and Jonny.

The shadows swarmed around Alice this time, attempting to grope at her sides wantonly.

"Leave her alone!! She doesn't want this!" Jonny spoke 

"No, don't. Leave me alone, weirdo shadows! J-Jonny! Help me." Alice spoke

Arkhon immediately decided to let them go, ordering the shadows to go elsewhere. He didn't want to cause them any more harm or grief.

"Thanks. No more games ok? Play with your own shadows, not us." Jonny said

Arkhon smiled, starting to be in a better mood.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."