24 - Catharsis

Jak managed to punch Arkhon so hard that he wasn't moving since he crashed into the giant rock. In an instant, the boy stabbed him with the sword.

The sword absorbed most of Arkhon's blue blood, making the voices residing within it to invade his mind.

Images flashed before him one by one of all the things that Arkhon has done (mostly terrible things). Jak didn't know how to stop it.

'Jonny. You are mine now. You belong to me.'

"Stop it! I don't want to be shown anything!" Jak spoke angrily

'Ah, Alice. You wish to join me too?'


'I am stronger than all of you. It is my right to do whatever I want to anyone. If you dislike what I do to people like you, you will get stronger and defeat me. Why does the dolphin take it for himself whether the other dolphin likes it or not? Because it can.'

Jak was struggling with his own mind and after a minute or two, something inside him just snapped. He didn't care anymore. He felt numb. Perhaps the sword had numbed him.

He screamed again, releasing all the power that he could bring out.

Suddenly the sky seemed to be going out of control, many lightning strikes happening at once. It was as if the skies were roaring out in anger along with Jak.

Jak's eyes were cold and ruthless and he had a scowl on his face.

Smoke was surrounding him.

Arkhon gazed upon him in slight fear, getting up again.

"Count to 100." Jak spoke to Arkhon

It was the first thing he said to Arkhon after sending him crashing.

"W-Why." Arkhon replied

"That's how long it will take for me to defeat you." Jak spoke without hesitation

'I saw what he did to my dad. So that's how he got the brand on his back. I'll get revenge for him. For disgracing my dad in that way.' Jak thought

Arkhon charged at him as fast as he could and Jak quickly reacted.

Arkhon was shocked to see a fist crashing towards his face and he was unable to dodge in time.

He groaned out in pain as his blood flew out of his jaws and into the air.

Arkhon tried using his Ability to keep himself off the ground temporarily but his efforts were cut short when Jak quickly leaped up to attack him.

"Every attack of yours seems to be getting faster and faster at an exponential rate." Arkhon commented, wondering if Jak's new power had a limit.

For a moment they were equals in fighting power.

Arkhon was happy that he had finally found himself a worthy opponent.

'Forget Jonny. His son shows so much potential. So much more! It's been a while since someone has made me feel this good!'

"So good. More! More, my little eaglet! Yes, that's it!" Arkhon groaned out as he was mercilessly getting pelted with furious punches and kicks.

Arkhon was left coughing up his own blood and sliced many times over by the boy's sword all over his body. Everywhere expect his eyebrows were bruised but Jak no longer had the energy to care. Jak was starting to feel pain whereas before, he had been numb to any attack or physical pain that he'd endured.

Amazingly, Jak had managed to do all this damage to Arkhon in less than 100 seconds!

Unfortunately, his sword got too greedy and demanded more energies than he even had.

Jak collapsed onto the ground next to Arkhon, who couldn't move at all!

Nimue rushed to the scene and was shocked by what happened.

She had never seen Arkhon in such a bad shape since the Demon King was around.

She carried Arkhon first and carried him away to safety.

"Nimue. Explain to me why Arkhon is on life support right now." Klaw II asked

"Jak Price. That boy is so much stronger than we thought. Somehow, he managed to tap into the potential energies he had dormant within his soul. As a consequence of handling such raw power, Jak's life is also in danger." She told him

"Incredible! I imagine Arkhon must be in bliss right now." He said

She came back for Jak who was still lying down unconscious.

Nimue had to heal Jak as his life span was shortened as a result of the extensive strain and damage that his body took as well as the overuse of his energies that his body was not ready to handle! Jonny was told what had happened and was there when Nimue healed his son.

When Jak finally woke up, Jonny made him promise never to do anything that reckless ever again. Starr was so glad to see that Jak was ok and hugged him tightly. After they all spent some time together, they went back home.

All was good.



It was the year 2026.

That's when it happened.

That's when I was born.

My parents, as horrid as they were gave me freedom.

Yes. That was the best thing that they ever gave me.

My first words were not 'mama' or 'papa'.

They were simply, 'Why?'

Well what can I say? I always was a curious person.

I had so many questions. So many things that I was burning to know.

Why are we so poor?

Why do stupid people have the most friends?

Why does the rabbit run from the wolf?

Why am I punished when I steal food out of hunger like all the animals do?

Why do the strong and powerful people abuse their power?

Did they learn from the animals too?

And so on.

I was only a child but I was desperate for some money to properly feed myself.

Luckily, I managed to find an incredibly wealthy man who had taken an interest in me.

He took the red coloured bow that neatly tied up my long hair and unfastened it smoothly between his fingers. I observed him without saying a word.

"You are looking for work, aren't you boy?"

"Yes, I am."

"Ah. You sound like a brilliant speaker. What a smooth and soothing voice you have. Apologies. I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Marki Zadd. . Nice to meet you."

I bowed politely.

My hair had fallen from my shoulders so gracefully like I was in a shampoo commercial or something. It was unintentional but I noticed that the man had gotten stars in his eyes because of it and I smiled on the inside, knowing that perhaps I would be able to earn some money from him.

"Mr. Marki. Are you hiring? I am a fast learner and am open to any kind of work. Whatever it is that you want me to do for you, I can do it. I will put my all into it. In exchange for some money to feed myself and support my family." I told him

How naïve I was.

He looked after me well and gave me plenty of money but I didn't fully realize that there was much more to this kind of deal.

Still, why should I complain?

He gave me more love and attention than my parents ever gave me.

Before him, I was invisible.

My thirst for knowledge was quenched by his extensive library of knowledge as well as the many books that he owned.

OLYA. I was only a boy but I wasn't so much of a prude to deny him this.

I was afraid at first. Well, anyone would be.

"I could do whatever I want eh? That was what you promised me." He beamed lasciviously

I gulped, shuddering as his fingers brushed down my thin and petite arms.

"Ahh..Marki. I-I am afraid." I whispered

"Oh don't be, my boy. Ease your fears. I promise I won't hurt you. Be brave for me."

I panicked and started to struggle against him.

He was so strong! I still remember the firm grip that he'd kept to hold both my wrists into place.

My heart was beating so fast, it made me dizzy.

The only thing to comfort me, was the scent of the freshly lit candles.

How odd, I thought.

How odd that somebody's hands could make me tremble oh so-

Shifting my face side to side, my eyes shut and almost buried against my side swept fringe, the unfastened red ribbon dangling against the side of my neck.

His words oddly managed to comfort me.

"Arkhon my pretty...Don't escape me, boy."

"Please h-hold on. I don't know what to do. I am so confused, Marki!"

"Arkhon, come here.." He purred

"N-No, ahh-h. Why?" I asked as he took hold of me

Lips so passionately placed upon my trembling lips, we became one.

People in school suspected correctly that I was in an OLYA.

Some of them avoided me and talked behind my back since.

It didn't help that my looks were above average for a little boy.

That just made it worse for me.

"They keep calling me dirty then so be it. They don't understand. They're too stupid anyways." I told the Demon King who had recently adopted me

"If only I had known you beforehand. You wouldn't have had to do such a thing with an indecent lecherous old scholar. An 11 year old brat in an OLYA with a shady old man. Oh dear oh dear. The power imbalance -"

"Oh really? What about you? You're very fond of picking up abandoned little girls and having them live here."

"That's different. I have never hurt them or tricked them in any way. Also, I am the Demon King."

His words were as vague as always but I understood it this way.

The strong have the right to do what they desire and the weak have the right to either let that happen or overcome the strong themselves by their own power. Martial arts were invented by the weak, not the strong. The weak who chose to struggle and defend themselves at any cost.