26 - Sky Queen’s Brutality.

Trigger warning: Some parts of this chapter contain graphic violence (even more than normal) and some 'revenge rap.e'. I'll label that part of this chapter with --> *Trigger warning* so that you could skip those parts of the chapter if you wish.

Enjoy this dark grim tale ;)


"What did you say? You'll kill me and take my place in the Circle? How amusing? I've heard that for centuries!" Arkhon said

The man didn't listen as he was too preoccupied with Jonny. The nightmare that Jonny had just had was coming back to life which was why Jonny was in such a fragile state of mind. A sinister feeling got up Jonny's spine as the man pinning him down continued his advances.

"No..please..." Jonny barely whispered

The revenge seeking man licked his lips, putting his hands around Jonny's neck, who now lied down, shuddering from the sheer terror of being nearly being taken advantage of again. There seemed to be very little hope left in his eyes as he lay there, not struggling anymore. Jonny feared the worst and didn't want to make it any more painful or to further endanger his life. Arkhon wondered if he was partly to blame seeing as he once forced himself onto Jonny before. Arkhon very quickly changed his mind. It wasn't his fault at all. If only Jonny wasn't so stubborn in completing his transformation, he would be so much stronger than this, Arkhon thought.

Arkhon couldn't help but feel an aching in his heart. Why was Jonny so stubborn? Why did he so badly want to continue clinging onto what little humanity he had left? What was he so afraid of? To be so drunk on revenge and vigilante type actions?

'Was it because I forced myself onto him and turned him into a demon? The anger and sorrow he feels must be exponential! But he is not fighting back against that man anymore. Why are humans so easy to break, even in much less traumatic events? I don't understand these human feelings well at all! Will I ever be able to understand humans just as well as the Demon King?'

Arkhon's POV

Arkhon's thoughts were quickly disrupted when he heard Jonny call out his name in a croaked voice.

"JONNY!!" Arkhon called out as he charged forwards and punched the man's face causing him to topple over. He wasted little to no time, picking him up and tossing him away.

All he could see was red as a result of how angry he was!

Jonny looked like a mess. He was all sweaty but continued to tremble. He accidently drooled but he didn't bother to wipe his lips. It was as if he felt trapped. That look of fear, of helplessness! That wasn't like Jonny at all! He was mumbling the words 'Go away. Don't touch me.' over and over again like it was some kind of mantra.

Then, Arkhon lost it.

He was currently beating the man underneath him like some kind of rabid beast with his fists. '

'I've never felt so angry with one person in my entire life! The man is desperately trying to fight me off but I am too angry to take it easy on him. He needs to suffer for what he did to my level 1, my dear Jonny! Words alone will never work with a scumbag like him!' Arkhon thought, thinking only of revenge

I savagely beat up the man until he was covered with many bruises and using the magic dagger prevented the man from regenerating completely.


"Now I'll show you exactly why people fear me, the Sky Queen so much! You'll remember this night forever, mark my words! Welcome to hell." Arkhon said

Arkhon's pupils turned red as he faced the man. He licked his lips. Arkhon's red eyes shone brighter!

"You think you can run..you think you can hide from me? What you wanted to do to Jonny, I'll do it all to you tenfold!" Arkhon threatened him, but his threats were not merely empty threats

The man panicked further.

"NO WAIT PLEASE!!" He begged

"To hear you beg this way..how delightful!" Arkhon said

"Y-you've lost it! You're insane!" he cried

*Trigger warning (read the warning at the top in this chapter for more details)*

The man began to run even more but he was abruptly stopped with a tackle as he fell back to the earth.

"Why?!" he panicked

Arkhon chose not to respond. He beat up the man over and over again until his cries echoed out.

"Sweet sweet music to my ears!" Arkhon spoke

He dragged the man back near the tent like a person would drag a shopping bag across the floor if it were too heavy to carry.

The man was bleeding all over, covered in cuts and bruises from being stabbed up with the magical dagger that made demons unable to regenerate quick enough.

He could no longer fight. Repeated damage that he took from Arkhon were the reason he failed to regenerate and repair himself. Even as a demon, he was helpless before Arkhon!

The injured man was sprawled out across the ground.

Arkhon was now on top of the man.

His position was rather odd. His knees were resting on the ground on either side of the man's hips and his hands were resting on the ground on either side of the man's head. Arkhon was on all fours on top of the man whilst the man underneath had no way of escaping!

Arkhon's wings were spread out across his back elegantly although there was nothing elegant about what he was planning to do to him. His pupils got red from both rage and excitement, his expression changed to one that a predator might have when they know that they've captured their prey.

He lowered his head and spoke so that his lips were very close to the man's right ear.

"Oh my, not so mighty now are you?" Arkhon chuckled in amusement

The man got angry all of a sudden, kicking and punching Arkhon's chest in an attempt to stand up and get away from him

"Oh? You can't avoid the inevitable. What was that crap about rapin.g Death Dealer? You could barely swat a fly away."

"Shut up!!" the man shouted

He kicked Arkhon in the private part.

He winced in pain but wasn't too hurt by this.

"How is that possible? My own foot hurts! It feels like I've just hit a concrete block!" he shouted desperately.

"You fool. Now, there'll be no one to hear you scream." Arkhon responded coolly

"It's hopeless! This is so hopeless! Please, anything but that!! Don't rap.e me! I was only joking! I wasn't going to rap.e Death Dealer. I wasn't!" He cried, almost sobbing

Arkhon was now almost lying on top of the man and he yanked his hair roughly to get the man to look at him. He made a hand gesture by putting his thumb between his middle and ring finger whilst making a fist with his hand. He continued to smirk at the man as he shook his head from side to side in fright.


The man could barely move or struggle against him because of all his injuries. Arkhon responded by laughing at his attempts to escape him. His eye colour red once again.

"Do not escape me, boy." He spoke softly, stroking the man's hair

This only terrified the man further as he broke down, begging Arkhon to let him go.

Arkhon saw a sudden flashing image from his past. That man, Marki had once said something very similar to him: 'Do not escape me, boy.' 'My little chirping eaglet.'

Arkhon's hands found themselves reaching the man's belt but was stopped when the man convulsed, his already broken body flailing around desperately as he threw up. But Arkhon didn't actually care. He wanted him to feel Jonny's pain and humiliate the man.

He crushed the man's left arm with ease causing the man to scream out from his chest.

He pulled off the man's trousers swiftly (tearing the belt away, tossing it into the distance) as he pulled off his own trousers.

The man's fingers dug into the dirt as he crawled around in a desperate attempt to flee.

He shivered in horror as Arkhon grasped onto his waist, lifting him at an angle where Arkhon could enter him.

He had tried to bite into his tongue, hoping that the blood loss could kill him or at least make him unconscious. He panicked when it didn't work because Arkhon had his fingers shoved into his mouth to stop him from biting his tongue making him suffer throughout the entire ordeal. After Arkhon was finished with him, he had started to regret ever messing with Death Dealer and his friends.

*No trigger warnings now apply (all can continue reading from here)*

Jonny recovered and got back to normal.

"Arkhon. We need to talk. Get in my tent. Now." He growled

"Oh ok then Jonny. I am glad you're all right now." Arkhon said

He continued walking closer towards Jonny.

Jak was resting inside Arkhon's tent, waiting for his dad or Arkhon to finish hurting then killing the enemy.

Jonny's POV

What is wrong with Arkhon? Will I ever understand that man?

I've never seen someone act so inhumane before! But Arkhon isn't human at all! He's a demon. A level 4 demon or (elite) demon to be more precise.

I really thought he'd changed! We had dinner at the restaurant together. He trained with me and my son. He saved me from getting poisoned once by healing me. He slept besides me and kept me safe. I remember the time he gave me a part of the woods that was previously his territory which I now use to relax, train with my son and wash myself at the lake.

Now he's done something terrible! Even though the man that attacked me was just an enemy, Arkhon got too carried away and not only beat the man half to death but rape.d him as well! What for? It wasn't necessary at all! That's why I have to make him realize what he did wrong no matter what!

A minute later, I saw my son run out of the tent.

"What's wrong, son?!" I asked

I looked closer and noticed that Jak had taken one of my handguns.

I went after Jak and noticed Arkhon coming after him too.

My son walked up to the wounded man. The man's eyes widened as he panicked, seeing my son point the gun towards him.

"W-WAIT PLEASE!! CHILD YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!!" He yelled out with a raspy voice

Jak stared at the man. The man's body was bruised all over. There were stab wounds from the magic dagger that failed to heal. He was sticky with blood and sweat, his arm was crushed completely and his foot was completely dislocated and twisted.

Jak's facial expressions didn't change at all. He nodded, understanding the state that the man was in.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HELP ME AT ALL, ARE YO-" The man yelled out

His sentence was interrupted by a gunshot to his head. Another gunshot was fired at his chest. Jak jumped back and aimed another bullet at the man's right leg then another at his left leg.

I managed to stop Jak before he could shoot the man in the neck.

"JAK! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, MY SON? ANSWER ME!!" I said, pulling him into a hug.

Jak didn't answer me but handed me back my gun before pushing me away gently.

"Why did you decide to kill him like that."

"I-I hate to see people struggle like that as they wait for their terribly slow and painful death. If I were to see a spider that's half crushed and unable to move, I would end its suffering and give it mercy straight away." Jak explained

Arkhon's eyes shone brightly as he beamed at Jak's words.

"You never cease to amaze me, little one. You really are more special and gifted than everyone else Jak! I am sure the Demon King would love you if he'd just met you already! Jonny, don't worry ok? After I've disposed of the body, I'll get right back to you." He chimed

*Arkhon disposed of the body, Jak is asleep in his tent and Jonny is resting in his own tent*

I saw Arkhon return to my tent with a huge grin on his face. I noticed that he wrapped a towel over his waist after he washed himself in the lake nearby. He dried himself off already.

"Jonny. Did you miss me, darling?" he called out in a cheery voice.

"Arkhon. Are you pretending that everything's back to normal? Leave me alone." I said

Arkhon decided to pick something off the ground but my eyes were closed so I didn't know what he was doing.

Arkhon lay down next to me and was a bit too close to me so I opened my eyes, turned around and pulled the blanket off him.

He looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

"What's that bottle next to you? And wait..is that m-my shorts you're wearing?! TAKE IT OFF NOW!" I yelled

How dare Arkhon wear my shorts like that?! I thought.

Arkhon continued to smirk at me so I snapped and lunged at him.

I looked at Arkhon who still hasn't taken me seriously. He had that same stupid look on his face as he continued to watch me.

"Take it off now! Take these shorts off before I pull the damn thing off you!"

"How bold of you to do that, Jonny." He winked

"I am still mad at you. Must you try to solve every single problem with sex and violence?" I sighed

"He was about to rap.e you, Jonny. You know that right? And now that I've rape.d him, he will no longer rap.e anyone else, I am sure of it!" Arkhon explained

I still wasn't satisfied with his reasoning but I decided to just let it go. Sadly, there is no changing some people. I grabbed the bottle next to Arkhon and showed it to him.

"What's this thing?" I asked

"Oh. That's just some lotion. It makes your skin really smooth. I got it from some foreign country. You should try it sometime." Arkhon replied

"Oh really?" I said

"Yes really. Why do you sound so suspicious, Jonny?" Arkhon asked

"Let me test it out on you then." Jonny replied

Arkhon shivered as I applied the lotion onto his chest, rubbing it into his skin. He really was telling the truth. It felt all smooth and slippery.

'Demons really do have such smooth bodies. It feels so wonderful against my hands!' Jonny thought

I rubbed the now smooth surface of Arkhon's sides making small circles then traced part of his hip bone. As my hands glided down he shuddered and he grasped at my hands suddenly to get me to stop.

"Oh, Jonny." He called out softly

He took some of the lotion and rubbed it against his hands, making them smooth.

"This lotion works really well. I am not extremely mad at you anymore but what you did to that guy was still terrible. Do you even know how terrifying of an experience it is to have somebody force themselves onto you?" I asked.

Arkhon stiffened and sat up.

"I-I know exactly how it feels. Believe me I do! So many of us have been used before. I am not evil. I just wanted to teach him a lesson. I was so angry that he harmed you and that's all I could think about. I know that I am a terrible person Jonny. I am truly sorry. Please believe me that this isn't what I do all the time." He explained

His hand was about to rest on my thigh and I found myself physically recoiling. After so many years and I still felt uneasy about people touching me. I am so pathetic, I thought.

"Jonny. You really can't stand me that much huh? Have I caused this? Please tell me how you feel. Why is it that you cannot stand even a little tap on the back? I promise I'll try to understand." Arkhon asked

"You don't know why?! I still haven't forgotten about that day you turned me into a demon after you killed off my friends. I wanted to kill you so badly but you humiliated me by..by forcing yourself onto me. Y-You made me feel disgusted at everyone and everything. You made me want to kill off anyone who dared to touch me again! So of course, I cannot stand it!" Jonny replied

"I really am sorry Jonny. I was so stupid! I just hoped and convinced myself that it would be all right at the time because you became my level 1 and I really did and actually do care about you, Jonny. Please believe me. You are more than a soulmate to me. I can't even describe this relationship in words!"

"You really do care about me? But I don't understand. I thought that you always looked down on me and thought I was weak. But..but no one's ever said to me that I am more than a soulmate to them! Do you really respect me that much?"

"Yes. I'll make up for my mistakes. Whatever it takes for us to be ok again."

Jonny: You know that I am not the type to easily forgive. Anyway, I am glad you protected me from that attacker. I guess you aren't all that bad, Arkhon. You have the potential to be good you know."

"Thank you so much. It was lovely to hear that. There aren't many people who think that." Arkhon replied


The two men smiled, understanding that talking to each other was the best thing they could've done!

Jonny still felt stressed so Arkhon decided to massage his hands but approached at a slow and careful pace.

"My hands? What are you planning to do exactly?!" Jonny asked

"Just relax and hold out your right hand." Arkhon spoke

Arkhon softly traced the lines on Jonny's palm but paused whenever Jonny trembled too much. It was dark in the tent but Arkhon and Jonny were both demons so they could see each other perfectly well! Arkhon of course was an elite level demon (level 4) in so he had much better night vision than Jonny. Arkhon focused on each of Jonny's fingers, tracing tiny circles around his knuckles.

Arkhon looked at Jonny's actions and assumed that Jonny was getting too nervous and wondered if he'd pressured Jonny far too quickly. His chest was heaving up and down and his mouth was opened slightly. His half lidded gaze as he suddenly looked up at him caught Arkhon off guard, surprising him. Jonny found himself leaning against Arkhon's chest which greatly surprised Arkhon. It was difficult for Arkhon to continue at this slow pace as he found himself getting more excited. Jonny was so close to him. His excellent hearing picked up Jonny's slow but slightly heavy breathing and heart beats. It was intoxicating!

Arkhon smiled, impressed with the progress they'd made.

"You didn't shout at me and say don't touch me like you normally would. Why is that?" Arkhon asked

"I dunno. I just feel different now. I guess I am starting to get used to you or whatever. Anyway, I am tired. I wanna sleep now."

"Ok. Goodbye Jonny."


Arkhon woke up first and noticed that his legs were intertwined with Jonny's.

Jonny was latching onto his body whilst nuzzling his chest. Jonny's long black hair was all over the place but Arkhon secretly liked this messy look. Reluctantly he moved Jonny off of him slowly and gently and headed out of the tent.

After washing himself and putting on the clothes he'd washed and dried, he noticed some sounds coming from the tents.

When he walked closer to the tents he noticed that it came from Jak's tent.

'Who is the other person in his tent?' he thought to himself as his hands reached to open up the tent and look inside.

His eyes widened in shock as he caught sight of Jak arguing with and wrestling this other kid.

Arkhon looked at the other kid's face. A small round face, shoulder length blond hair, green eyes and a delicate looking body.

"Oh my. Jak, where did this little foreign girl you're with come from?" Arkhon asked

"He just wanted a place to stay since he ran away from home. This is Jeff and he's actually a boy." Jak rushed to explain

"WAIT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN ACTUALLY? OF COURSE IT'S OBVIOUS I AM A BOY! DON'T CALL ME FOREIGN. I was born in this country ok? I am sick and tired of every idiot here!" He shouted back

"I see. You know, you shouldn't lie to adults you know." Arkhon said, making Jak laugh out loud

"Shut it!" Jeff replied