Saturday nights for a twenty-one-year-olds were simple; it was a night for drinking and being out with friends. Diana was sat at a small round table, at one of the many nightclubs with three of her closest friends. First was Hannah, a red hair green-eyed waitress who had dreams of being on Broadway. She had starred in the chorus of a number of small productions, but she had yet to have her big break. She was quite timid and therefore her dreams seem a little unrealistic to all those who had never heard her sing.

Next, there was Cara; she attended NYU along with Diana, and they were two very different people. Cara was the type of girl who was only at college so she could meet a guy to marry and settle down with because of the idea of a picket fence. This is something she had longed for, ever since her father had walked out on her and her mother. Her uncle was a famous property manager, is worth millions and millions. He currently resided in lose Angeles with his kids, and multiple ex-wives. Cara kept a good relationship with her cousin, Octavia who was about the same age as her, but the rest of her cousins she barely spoke to.

Lastly, there was Elsa who was the smallest of the four and often felt a little lost in a place like this. She was the shy girl out of the small little group. She had recently come out, however, had yet to have an open relationship with a girl. She had dated a girl, in secret during high school, but they had broken up because Elsa had refused to come out. In the end, it was the best for the two of them as you should never be pressured to do something you didn't wish to do. While most people who knew her were aware of her sexuality she was unwilling to tell the guys that hit on her that she was gay, she felt it was rude and dismissive of them.

Diana was buying the next round of drinks. Naturally, she had always grabbed the attention of a guy. Throwing back her hair and laughing just a little too loudly. She had somehow managed to get the guy to buy her a drink as well as her friends. Diana's friends were used to her behaviour, and most of the time they didn't mind it because it would be incredibly easy to spend a lot of money on the night out; when you were with Diana that number was a lot smaller. As Diana spent much of her time counting up the receipts of the money she spent each week this little perk took the pressure off her brother's shoulders.

Diana had taken the drinks over to her friends and ditched the guy who had brought them. The four girls cheered to the night and began to take a big gulp of alcohol. The four girls naturally got their phones out and started to take a number of photos of one another, making their lives look the best that they could be.

Diana was the prettiest out of the four girls and spent much of the first hour trying to push the guys away from her, but when a guy named Nicholas Perez approached; she couldn't help but flirt back. Nicholas or Nick to his friends was a twenty-four-year-old heir to a large chain of hotels. Diana had seen Nicholas a number of times at various events, but she had never approached him for one reason. You see one of Nicholas best friends was a guy named Joseph Keita; who to Diana was the perfect boy. He wasn't the best looking person in the world but he was one of the most fascinating people you will ever meet. When he spoke you couldn't help but listen and hang off every single word and this had been the thing that had made Diana fall in love with Joseph.

Due to Cara's family connection, she knew of Nicolas through her cousin. While she ran the west coast he ran the east coast, and so after Diana had begged her friend for a property introduction naturally she helped her friend out.

Nicholas didn't know the past between Joseph and Diana however knew they had at least been friends at one point or another. When Nicholas arrived here he couldn't help but be drawn to the girl; she was beautiful after all. He dragged her to the many sofa's that lay in one of the corners. This was a classy club and therefore these sofas were often a place to get closer to one another rather than making out and acting like animals that often happened at other places. In a place like New York contacts were the only thing that mattered.

Diana held a glass of champagne in her hand and was slowly sipping on the glass while laughing just a little too loudly at Nicholas. Diana was in full flirt mode, she wanted to get back at Joseph and the best way she could think was sleeping with one of his best friends. The small talk was around things like Diana's college life and Nicholas adventures around the world as well as his charity work. He was probably trying too hard, but then again Diana was in the same place as well.

After little of half an hour of talking Nicholas, naturally invited this beautiful girl back to his place. He knew it probably wasn't the best idea he had ever hard but he was charmed and he was drawn to her. Diana walked passed her friends saying her goodbye and let Nicholas lead her out to the warm summer air and back to his penthouse.

Nicholas travelled in style, and this normally meant travelling in a limo. Nicholas private driver shut the blind between the two sections the moment the two of them sat down in the car. Nicholas had a small fridge in this car and pulled out a rather expensive bottle of red wine. He poured the two of them a glass of wine, no matter the time New York was always busy and although it would be cheaper to take the subway to his apartment; he didn't really like it much. People would always stare at him and ask for a photo and most of the time they were girls way too drunk and simply saw the dollar signs the surrounded him.

The two of them got a little closer to one another, quietly sipping the glass. Diana was a fast drinker and finished her glass of wine in only a few minutes. She moved closer to Nicholas and rested her arm on his shoulder wrapping her arm around his neck. Nicholas didn't move into kiss her, although the thought crossed his mind, instead, he finished the glass before placing it in a holder and pulled Diana closer to him. He didn't let her kiss her but the longer that sat next to one another talking about rather pointless things, the more he wanted to kiss her.

Nicholas had rested his hand on her thigh by the time they pulled outside his apartment block. They were about as close as you could get without their lips touching. The game the two of them were making was more exciting and the lust the two of them were feeling would make the sex better and more satisfying when they eventually embarked on that journey.

Nicholas took Diana up the back staircase. You see a report about Nicholas and his partying ways had hit the newsstand the day before, meaning that the press was stationed out of his apartment twenty-four seven.

Nicholas had moved to this penthouse at the age of eighteen; the moment he got his trust fund. You could see much of New York from both his sitting room and his bedroom. Although he had much of a reputation he didn't like people coming to his apartment, he believed it was a place just for him. Often when he went to pursue a girl he would take them to a hotel or go back to their room. Today it would be hard to get home the following morning without being spotted and therefore had brought Diana back to his apartment.

Nicholas poured another glass of wine for each other them, but it would stay untouched on the coffee table. He turned his stereo on and the two of them sat down on the red leather sofas, which didn't look the best, but then Nicholas didn't have a designers eye and just went for items that had a nice colour.

Below the coffee table was a number of CD's, BluRays and DVDs. Diana let her fingers run up and down the shelf. Diana turns to face him and saying in a rather bored tone.

"I think your tastes are a little random and I really don't get the ordering of this it makes no sense." Nicholas laughs at her comment and moving closer to her so that he could reach the first movie in the collection it was Back To The Future.

"It is simply ordered by my favourites, there is no order to it." Diana turned quickly around to look at him in the eyes, her lips were just millimetres away from his. He was a little blurred to her, but he pulled her lips to his and they began to kiss.

The two of them had huge amounts of different types of alcohol on their breaths, but that just made Diana want this even more. She climbed on top of him as he lay down on the sofa his hands being placed on her ass. Diana was wearing a rather bright red lipstick and having drunk the red wine in the limbo it was naturally going to leave a mark upon Nicholas skin. Diana let her fingers run down his shirt slowly undoing one button at a time. She held his gaze as she did this, doing her best to simply seduce him with her eyes. He was memories by the forwardness of her actions and how little he had to try and convince her into bed with him. Once getting to the bottom of his shirt he lips then moved to his bare chest where the rest of her lipstick soon smudge all of it.

Diana wanted this, she wanted to feel better about herself and therefore didn't wait for much time before she was undoing his pants. She moved back up and fiercely kissed him again, building the heat between the two of them with every movement that passed.

The two of them didn't need to talk because the alcohol was pushing them into actions that their sober personality may linger around. Nicholas was pushing her into him as he grabbed her bum a little aggressively, but Diana didn't mind she welcome the control of his hands. These were two people who had serious control issues but for one night it wasn't a battlefield it was more like a dance.

She slides her hand into his boxers letting her hand go up and down his shaft causing him to kiss her yet again more aggressively. Nicholas attempts to roll her over but finding her perched at the edge of the sofa causing him to roll over her and land on the floor. Diana looks over the edge of the sofa and considers about sitting on top of him, but instead, he gets up quickly and climbs on to her. She lets his lips run down her neck. She pulled him closer to her, thinking that it wasn't possible for them to get close enough, she wanted him; she craved him so badly. Nicholas moved from her and grabbing the rim of her dress he slowly lifted the dress over her head before throwing it over his shoulder.

Diana was dressed in a see-through white lacey whole body lingerie, and in made her already great body look even better. It clung to her perfectly and Nicholas couldn't help but look at the girl in the ore. He had a reputation, much like she had a reputation. While she could flutter her eyes and get any guy she craved for, he often had to work a little harder, which meant that he had gone a little longer since he had last been in this situation. He ran in the opposite direction when he thought they were gold diggers, and while Diana could fit that stereotype because of past actions and string of loves he knew this would mean just as much, if not less than it did for him.

Nicholas began to nuzzle against her, letting him run his mouth all the way to her earlobe playfully biting on it; causing Diana to let out a giggle. She wrapped his arm around his neck and wraps one leg around his bare body as the kiss gets deeper and faster. This is the moment the two of them lose one another in their self in one another.

They don't bother with the foreplay, Diana simply wanted him inside her. He had a good reputation when it came to sex and she wanted to see if he lived up to such things. She was disappointed in his stamina, but he managed to run her tongue around her clit a number of times causing her back to arch and her to let out a tenements cry of pleasure. This had action made her question that while Nolan was good at what he did, he was nothing compared to the man currently taking control of the situation.

When he slipped back inside, he moved slowly thrusting himself with such power causing Diana to pull him closer to her body shutting her eyes with every movement. For a girl who was known for spreading her legs, he was surprised by the fact that she was still tight, something which is noticed a little too suddenly when he started to speed up his movement. His tongue had however done enough and she arched her back one again holding on to his neck for dear life as the pleasure had completely overtaken her. She had finished, for the first time in a long time. Nicholas no longer caring if he could hold back or not took himself up to another level and began moving at such a pace that the whole sofa managed to shift a few feet.

When the two of them broke apart they were panting, they lay there for a few moments not saying a word. They didn't need to say anything to one another; they finally felt like they had been taken care off, and that is all that matters.

And because Diana and Nicolas were the type of people that they were, the events which had just happened would be repeated three more times ending them into his bed.

Word Count ⇒ 2512