Chapter Four- Loose Ends


The outdoor was raw and drenched with the smell of decaying flesh. There were only a few subjects in my way but they proved no major threat as majority were killed by hand. When I entered my nose cried regret, the inside smelt way worse than the outdoors.

My eyes approved of the darkness present as I could feel the pain on my eyes subsiding a bit. My shoes were heavy against blood filled tiles and it was quite odd that I did not meet upon anything that was living after death. Yes, run from that which is superior.

This was a familiar place so this was an easy task.The only difficulty was that many of the exiys were sealed of or the doors were either damaged due to the wrath unleashed upon this city. The moment I came upon a familar corridor I froze, a brown door catchinv my eyes.

I venteured indoors anf just like before there wrree no obstacles. Apart from the few blood stains and bullet holes in the wall the office was as I had remembered. I made my way over to one specific desk, a picture being taken in my grasp.

"Chris..." I gritted as I stared at the picture of my ex subordinate with a familiar redhead. The pair were truly siblings, I placed the picture down before I could crush it to nothing. Something else had pulled my attention.

With Chris's poor time management skills it is quite surprising that the man had a diary. I flipped the book open with my index finger, my eyes on the tacky penmanship. I ripped the first page out because it contained my name, the first page was followed by many.

The girl was no longer in my company so I placed the guns to my hips. They had no use to me because my hand could crush skulls and my feet could break bones. My strength was the only weapon I needed to rely on. I moved my nose slightly, I could smell a human.

I hid in the darkness, a police officer lowering to pick up what I assumed to be ammunition. He looked no older than twenty three years old and based his movements I knew exactly who he was. This was the rookey that would have been on my team, the kid I was supposed to mentor.

I tightened my teeth as I raised my gun in the darkness, my aim being taken. I was going for the head because multiple gunshots would only rise suspicion. He thrived on luck because before I could fire the shot someone spoke.

"Who the fuck are you?" the rookey was asked and I lowered my weapon slowly. Well, what do you know, the chief was very much alive and for the most part he looked well. I tightened my teeth, one loose end had suddenly grown to become two.

"Easy, I'm just a cop" the man replied and Chief Irons eyed his attire. The fat bastard smiled, his gun still raised.

"Yes, Kennedy is it?" he teased the younger male with something he already knew. We all knew our newest addition to the team before he got here. Leon Kennedy was supposed to die in this city and the truth would rest in his corpse.

"Look, I am not looking for trouble, I just want to get out of this mess alive" Kennedy clarified and I continued to stare from my position. The figure of a woman moved closer but before she could turn from what may be a bloody exchange she was seen.

She was no longer wearing a jeans pants but she was wearing a shorts and crop top. Her hair was still in a ponytail and her hair looked wet for some strange reason.

"Hold it" Irons hissed and the familiar red head raised her hands that held a gun and a flashlight. Kennedy stared at her but by the look he gave it was clear that he found her rather attractive. I grit my teeth, the human male would always allow a female to be his weakness.

I missed nothing about being human.

"Drop it bitch" Irons hissed and Miss Redfield did not seem thrilled with the demand. The Items that were once in her hand fell to yhe floor. Kennedy stepped before her, his gun raised as the red head peeked from behind his shoulders. Irons found it amusing and Claire seemed fearful for the man standing before her.

"And just what do you think you are doing?" he hissed but for a rookey Kennedy seemed quite bold.

"I'm protecting a citizen. That's one of my duties as a police officer" Kennedy pointed out so while that occurred something crept closer to the group. There were a few barks, so before I was discovered I drew into the darkness.


I grabbed onto her ponytail, my hands covering her mouth but the way in which the woman moved against me it was clear that she had tasted my gloves. I was a bit too aggressive so I do apologize dear heart.

"It is delightful to find that you made it to the station safely" I told her and gradually her movements relaxed.

"Wesker?" she called after I lift my hand from her mouth. She turned to stare at me, her face was now calm but I only intended to share her company for a little while. She smiled at me, a fist on her hips.

"I'm glad that you are still in one piece " she teased and I stared down at her. I will always be in one piece Miss Redfield.

"We need to move" I told her and she nodded, my lead being followed. She seemed uneasy and while I knew the exact reason she felt that way I chose to play along.

"Something bothers you" I told her as opposed to asking. She glanced at me, by this time she was weaponless and I was her only means of strength. This was the perfect opportunity to have her killed one of Umbrella's failed experiments.

"I think this entire situation is way bigger than it seems" she stated as we made a quick turn. I had been through this section before but if my plan of getting rid of the Redfield should be executed properly I would need to take this end of the sation.

"It is rather odd" I told her and she grabbed my arm, our pace coming to an abrupt stop. I stared down at her, the girl wetting her lips somewhat.

"I walked into something back there, there was a man, he was a bit fat and old enough to be my dad. He threatened to kill me and an officer for god knows what" I was told and I fold my arms.

"As it regards to your brother, I found this" I stated as I handed her the diary that was already tampered with. She took the diary and stared at it, the book being pulled to her chest.