An Evening Walk In The Garden

The air was cool and a soft breeze blew through the garden in the Castle of Hearts. A man and woman walked together, alone and unaccompanied, only having each other. Not exactly knowing how the two of them ended up together. Lit lanterns decorated wooden posts and bathed their surroundings in a warm glow. Shadows flickered and danced. The aroma of flowers hung with the wind as leaves took their dive.

The Queen of Hearts treaded on the grounds, quiet and silent as ever. She gazed at her surroundings, tried not to look at the blonde man that accompanied her and sighed. It was a chance to cool her head.

And so she took it.

Regardless of the King of Hearts' actual relationship with the Queen of Clovers... the Queen of Hearts was still inclined to portray her and his relationship as nothing but the best. Even if the incident at the court trial was enough to spread rumor and gossip.

Well look at them now, wasn't this romantic?