To Change One's Future (Rosalyn Lockhart)


The Queen of Hearts received one of the first few refusals she had ever gotten in her entire life—the woman's lips parted open and she stared at him. "What?" Had she heard him correctly?

A flat out refusal and simply that…?

"Your request is denied, Your Majesty." His voice was flat and unwilling, and this time, his blue eyes stared at her with a touch of annoyance. Even parted by the table's distance between them, she could feel the irritation in his tone. "I cannot let another person bypass the rules and order of time, if I do it then—I will not do it again. That is final. You must recall our previous meeting where I promise to have non-interference with your world."

Rosalyn Lockhart's lips curled down into a frown, "And yet you've—!"

"There are exceptions, but not this." he shook his head. "This cannot be done, it's far too many people."

"But we'll just be two—"