Thrice the Trouble (Alexander, Hatter and New POV)

The King of Hearts woke up to a wonderful day—well, he had actually woken up with stiff muscles and an aching shoulder, but other than that, things were great. Despite all of his years here…  it was the only time that he had truly felt free.

He leaned back against the couch and sighed in relief.

Rosalyn knew, and she didn't look at him like he was crazy. Well, she nearly had a panic attack then and there, but he managed to stop it. Even without him, the man was positive that she could take it, for she had faced her own life-threatening situations. That was what a Queen truly ought to be.

It was also both funny and frightening at the same time that what came to her mind after the discovery of another world was this—was it war? Others would get shocked and panic more, but she instead had begun to consider the situation. This was a world that was truly used to bloodshed. Even someone like her had never considered peace as an option.