A Cat's Dilemma

He wasn't supposed to interfere. 

The Chesire knew where his allegiances lay—or where they didn't exist and rested in. Already, Blake Landrigan stared hard at him once he brought the little lizard-like man to his room and was about to leave.

"Are you interested in the Queen of Hearts?" Blake asked.

Chesire stopped in his tracks. He had been just about to leave, but then he glanced over his shoulder and looked at the Informant with a grin. "What do you mean by that? I mean yes—she's interesting. I like going out of the Blue Forest to see things that can shake up my boredom."

The Informant didn't look convinced. The man raised a hand nonchalantly, "Alright, thanks for the answer. I was just interested in gauging your reaction, and it seems like my assumptions were correct."

"Huh? What nonsense are you trying to say, Landrigan?" Chesire asked.