Doubted someone

Sam was told by the doctor to stay at home but he didn't. He went to the school for he thought that Rosie would be worried for him. By the time he was walking through the corridors towards his class, Veena jumped in.

Veena :" Hey Sam! Good to see you. Are you fine now?"

Sam: "Yes, I am good".Sam was not interested to even talk to other girls. So he kept his sentence as short as possible.

Veena:"Sam, actually I want to tell you about's about Rosie..."

After hearing that he immediately became interested to what she was about to say.


Veena:"I saw her giving that bottle to you. I even saw you drinking that water.....that water....I guess Rosie spiked it..."

Sam furrowed his brows.

Sam:" And why would she do that ?.. and how come you are so sure that I fainted because of that water..there can be other didn't even came to the how do you know that the water was spiked???

Veena immediately went silent. She just said,"I was just guessing".

Sam:"Thank you for your concern, I already know about that water bottle. Rosie told me about it. She just didn't took the name of that person but I'll find it out....and when I'll find it out I'll make sure that he/she will be out of our school...I can't let Rosie stay in danger....and you please stay away from her."

Veena:" Rosie....what is so special about her....why are you so much into her... I mean look around there are many more beautiful girls...why her???"

Sam:" How dare you compare Rosie with others?...and more than that this is our issue we will don't have to put your nose into it..and I have a doubt that you are involved in all this... aren't you??".

After saying that Sam left towards the class. However he sensed a feeling that Veena was against Rosie. He was totally determined to keep Rosie safe. When he entered the class,he sat on the first bench and turned around to Rosie who was sitting on third bench and gave a thumbs up. Rosie immediately understood that he meant that he was fine. Rosie just smiled.This smile was the best smile for Sam in this world....

It was almost time for Christmas now....