Final Confession

Rosie not understanding anything just went along with Sam. They both loved each other but Sam couldn't wait to hear it from Rosie. He took her towards the kitchen and pushed her towards the wall. He then put his body over hers. The party was over and most of the people were moving out. James took care of everything outside.

Rosie,"What are you doing, Sam?"

Sam:"Where's my chocolate? won't give me today?"

Rosie:" Ahh , yes I have".

She then removed some from her white handbag which she carried. Sam immediately unwrapped one and put it in her mouth. She was not understanding what he wanted to do.

After that he put his lips over hers and ohh my God....a kiss...Rosie eyes widened. She tried to resist him but after some time she started feeling the warmth of his arms and calmed down. She too started responding to the kiss...The chocolates inside their mouth tossed between their lips. A drop of water fell from the corner of her eyes...she felt blessed...they kissed until the chocolate was totally finished....after that...

Sam: "Let's be together....."

Rosie started crying...she was so happy today. Never expected things were happening. She hugged Sam tightly.

Rosie:"I love you , Sam".

Sam:"I will take care of you for the rest of life..nothing in my life will be more important than you....whatever I will do will be just for you".

Rosie:" " . She was not understanding what to say....she just wanted the time to stop right there.

Sam: "Let's go's too late... I'll drop you home...".After a peck on her lips Sam hold her hand and went out. Rosie was just 15 when she had her first kiss of life. Love at such a young age is unpredictable. Feelings in this age are not permanent. On her way to home many such thoughts were running on her mind...she thought what if...what Sam feels is just infatuation? What if in future Sam leaves her saying that it was just attraction? Rosie heart ached just by the thought of breaking up with Sam.. however after reaching home she wrote all the things very cutely in her diary....

She finally made her mind to live in the present and not worrying about future.....

After Christmas, it's time for new year... Sam again wanted to do something special for Rosie. But on new year she always stayed with her family. And it was winter vacations so Sam was not getting a chance to meet her. Rosie was also missing Sam but couldn't do anything.

Rosie decided to write a letter to Sam. That was the only thing she could do. She didn't have her own phone and neither she had Sam's number. She wanted to tell Sam that she missed him. Sam on the other hand was planning to go along with friends to Rosie's home. Rosie started writing her letter....

"Sam, it's just 4 days we are apart, but I can't express I am missing you so much. All these days were the best days of my life.....I liked you since 3 years but never expected you will be mine....thank you Sam...thank you soo much for bringing so my colours to my life...I don't expect now anything more in my life other than being with you....I too will take care of you always Sam, I love you and will always do so.....happy new year my sweetheart."

Now she kept praying to God for a chance so that she could give this letter to him. On the new year eve.... Sam along with Lily, James and other friends went to her home along with many gifts..

- At the door of Rosie's house -