
Mrs Joe was totally determined to separate Sam and Rosie. By Sam's words she understood that Sam was being serious with her and not just playing around. She was planning something. Mr Joe didn't want to get involved in all this. He was fine with whatever Mrs Joe did.

- At the hall -

Mrs Joe:" Sam, after your semester , your high school and university studies, I have all arranged in Russia. It's is one of the best university in the world. You will study business there and become a best business man".

Sam understood that his mom wanted him to go away so that he stays away from Rosie. Sam:"No, I won't. Mom, UK also has the best university for management then why should I go so far...??"

Mrs Joe:"I already decided".

Sam was tired arguing with his mom. Instead he went to his dad and asked about this thing,

"Dad, what's going on, why is she being so stubborn...I don't want to go anywhere".

Mr Joe:"Whatever she does is for your Good, just follow her.."

Sam:"She is just trying to separate me and Rosie". Sam started crying. Just the thinking of staying away from Rosie hurted him.

Mr Joe:"Why are you so much into a girl. Forget her...think of your future. What are you? Do you think you will be able to take care of her if you take a stand against your mom now? are nothing Sam...first be something....."

Sam was shocked upon hearing this. His dad was not wrong. He felt a sense of responsibility.

Sam:" But that can be done by staying here also, why to go in Russia?"

Mr Joe:"You are talking too much...that university....I have my contacts there..they will give you personal attention and make you the must go and study there...".

Sam:" "

Mrs Joe:"Just stay away from that little dirty girl and go to will get more beautiful and rich girls there..... gradually you will forget her.....".

Sam didn't say anything and went to his room. He was not able to sleep that night. He kept on thinking what to do...he was just a kid..even if he ran away with her..he will not be able to take care of her...he was not even that strong to tell Rosie that he will be going for next 7 years.

"Who will take care of her?..she will be broken....7 years... will she wait...what if she won't...what if she says she wants to break up. How will I survive then for next 7 years?"

His heart ached upon thinking all these....he was not able to decide what to do....".

Next two days Sam didn't went to school which made Rosie really worried.

Rosie then decided to go to his home after school. Mr Joe was busy in company and Mrs Joe went to some of her kitty parties so it was natural that only the maids were at home. When Rosie when to his mansion, immediately a lady asked for her name. when that lady heard her name....she became happy... everyone in the house loved Sam as he was very kind to everyone and everyone knew about the tensions Mrs Joe was causing to Sam. Everyone knew Rosie soon as she came the lady took her to his room.

As Rosie entered Sam started to wipe his tears.

Rosie:"Sam, what happened, are you not well?"

Sam:"Why did you came her?..."

Rosie:"You were not coming to school obviously I was worried".

Sam:"I just had a little fever, I am must take care of yourself...".

Rosie:"Don't lie, you are hiding something, let me know.."

Sam:"Nothing Rosie....."

Sam was not able to react..nor he was able to think what to do...there was only one month left for these semesters to end and then he would fly off to Russia. Finally he....