
Just then she tried to turn around and see..who was he..just then a hand came with full of force and pushed Rosie towards the door. Rosie felt a familiar smell but didn't have any time for defence. She was totally confused what was happening. Just then her lips tips touched that men's lips. He then lowered his body and whispered in her ears , "Rosie, I am back".

Tears started coming out of her eyes. she didn't knew what to do. That men without saying anything else left her outside the restroom. Rosie was not in her senses.

She came back to her friends. Her face was pale.

"I don't feel good...I need to leave now".

James understood about why she was behaving like this. He didn't responded. On the other hand, Mint, " I'll drop you home then!"

Rosie: " No need , I can go by myself".

She took her bag and went off.

Lily and Meng were dumbfounded.

Lily:"Since we have ordered, let's eat!"

James :"Some important thing came up, I need to leave..you guys continue".

On her way to home,

"Huh, is he back? Was this a dream? Do I need a psychiatrist? It was a kiss? Is he really back? He remembers me...but what happened back then...he lost his memory right? What is going on? Was he Sam? Is someone playing with me? God , if Sam is here please tell him to come up... I need him....".She cried all the way to home....

- At Sam's Manor -

James: "Why are you in so much hurry?"

Sam:" Hurry?...it's 9 years already....I am gonna marry her now".

James:"Are you mad....don't you know what happened 9 years before... do you think Rosie will accept you....".

Sam:" I want her , no matter what...".

James: "Hmm, I understand, well that guy Zimmon , he is dead now...".

Zimmon was a small actor at LS entertainment. He was one of those who liked Rosie.

Sam: " Is the killer, the same person?".

James:"Yes, we need to be careful now..you coming back to UK must be a disaster to him...just stay safe...you are on his target".

Sam: "I know , just keep Rosie safe..".

James:" Yes she is. I have arranged bodyguards for her. She doesn't even has a hint of it".

Sam :" Good, anything more? "

James:" Yes her disease...I guess she is suffering too much...".

Sam heart ached.

"I know that's the only reason I studied medicines. Don't worry, I am here now, I am gonna treat her....".

James: "That's good, call me if you need something".

Sam :" Thanks James, thank you for everything"...

When it comes to Sam and James it was always like two gentlemen talking. They both were men of few words for they understood each other a lot....