Rosie fainted



"SEOJUNG admitted to City hospital"

Rosie heard this news and lost her mind. Before she saw death of Zimmon and now this. She thought something fishy is going on here. She decided to meet Seojung in the hospital, but before that she decided to meet James first so she called him ,

"James, I want to meet you right now, where are you?".

James understood whatever was happening around.

James:"At Cafe cafe in half an hour".


- At Cafe cafe -

James was already present when Rosie entered.

James : "What's so urgent?"

Rosie :"C'mon now don't act like you don't know about this?"

James:" I am not a God to understand things, tell me what do you want?"

James surely didn't want to open up things in front of Rosie so he pretended not to know anything.

Rosie:"Where is Sam?"

James was shocked to hear this. He thought that she would ask about the accident or about Zimmon's death but instead she asked this...

James:" "

Rosie:"Tell me I need to know....I already waited for him for a long 9 years he has already forgotted everything after that incident.....and went off.....but I wanted him to come back so that I can make him remember all the things...I want him to keep his promise of never leaving me....please tell me James...please....I love him a lot...please say..".

As she said , she started sweating and her heartbeat increased. She hold her heart and was trying to breathe. But she was suffocating. James was left confused. He picked up his phone and made a call. After some seconds , she fainted. James picked her and put her in his Audi R8 and went towards the hospital.

James actually called Sam. Sam was in his dad's company. Although he was a doctor , he had to take over SJ in his hands. In short, Samuel was now the president of SJ company.

He was busy in a meeting when his phone rang. As the caller ID was James, he decided to pick up as James never called unnecessarily. When he got the news of Rosie, he left the meeting in between and ran towards the hospital in his Maybach.

- At City hospital -

Sam:"This stupid, why she has to do all this..."

James:"What do you mean stupid?I am here seeing her from last 9 years. You call her stupid for loving you, like seriously?"

Sam felt bad upon hearing this. James also knew that Sam too suffered a lot. But on hearing Sam's words he couldn't control. He treated Rosie as his own sister and so felt bad for her.

Sam:"Hmm, I am sorry , I'll make up for all the time lost. I will keep her happy".

James:"I think you must show up to her now and tell her the truth".

Sam:"Yes, I will".

James:"Fine, I'll leave is up to you!take care!".

Rosie was admitted in VIP section. James called Rosie's mom and told her that she went out of town for her makeup business. mlMrs Smith knew James very well so she didn't questioned him much.

Sam went next to her while she was sleeping. No one could understand how Sam suffered the distance. He loved her truly but kept his love hidden from the world.

As soon as he saw Rosie pink face and weak body, his heart ached, he started crying.

"I won't let you suffer anymore. You are mine. I will keep you happy forever".

Rosie felt a familiar voice around. She opened her eyes and...