Sam immediately called James as he knew his bodyguards would follow Rosie.

Sam:"Where's Rosie?".

James:"One of the bodyguards just called me. She went towards the hospital. But why and what everything okay?".

Sam:" Okay, maybe she went to meet Seojung".

James:"What?Why did she went to meet Seojung now?".

Sam:"I'll tell you afterwards!".

Sam than headed towards the hospital. Within 15 minutes he reached there. He directly went towards Seojung's room.

There he saw Rosie feeding Seojung , some cornflakes . When Sam entered, Seojung gave a dirty smile to him. Sam sat on a chair besides his bed.

Rosie:"Honey, how did you know that I am here?".

Sam : "That's because I knew you would come to meet Seojung, but why didn't you tell me first before coming?".

Rosie:" Honey , I thought you will be busy in office so I myself came here ,to visit him plus you said we will be going out, so it's natural that you have to finish off your work before it, right? So I didn't bothered you..".

Sam:"None of my work is important than you Rosie, you know time whenever you want to go anywhere, first let me know, ok?".

Rosie:"Okay, honey, but you don't have to worry so much".

Sam:"Also take any car you like from our garage...ok?".


Seojung:"Hey! c'mon you all came to meet me and now you all are ignoring me".

Sam:"Yes, brother in law , I can see you have recovered much better than I expected".

Rosie:"Yes, doctor said the same, very soon he will be home!".

Sam:"So Rosie, let's go now, you remembered?".

Rosie:"Yes , yes let's go, bye bye brother...take care!".

Seojung left dumbfounded.

Sam then took Rosie in his car towards the roads.

- In the car -

Rosie:"Honey , why is mom not coming to meet Seojung, should I call her?".

Sam:"No dear! I called her already, she went to meet her today morning itself".

Rosie:"Okay, honey!You always take care of everything".

Sam was feeling bad for lying her. But this was the best he could do.

Rosie:"Where are we going?".

Sam:"That's a secret...but I am sure you will like it".

He then parked his car near a staircase. There were around 700 steps in that staircase. He parked his car there and took Rosie on the stairs.

Rosie was very excited. She ran like a little kid on the stairs. But after around 300 steps, she felt tired.

Sam:"Haha, you have so less stamina".

Rosie:"What less stamina, see I'll climb all the stairs..".

After more 50-60 steps , she was extremely tired. Sam understood.

"Come, I'll give you a piggy back ride...".

Rosie:"No, I'll go, I am strong".

Sam immediately picked her up on her hands and started to move upwards.

Rosie:"Hey, Mr Sam, leave me, I can do it".

Sam:"Hey dear, don't move, or I'll throw you here".

Rosie:" ".

Finally they both reached the top. Sam was tired and was sweating. Rosie's heart melted. He took her to the top without even complaining.

After they reached up,

"Ohh , honey, this is awesome".

They could see the whole UK from the top. Sam prepared beforehand, so there was no one except them. The wind was blowing calm. Rosie felt satisfied. She didn't want anything else in the world except Sam.

She hugged Sam tightly.

Sam moved a lovely hand on her bangs and placed a kiss on her forehead.

But just then, she fainted....