Is is following me, first thought than ran in my head. If I were a guy, then the thought would've been, 'hey, i know that guy.' But, now that I'm a girl, I've been taught, even since it was confirmed that, I'm a girl. 'If you see a suspicious person, avoid contacting with them; stay away from them.'

Nobody ever told me, 'damn girl .. go to them and tell them not to stare you because it's leaking you uncomfortable.'

I was buzy in my own ' escape plan ' and went to the completely opppsite side to where he was standing.

'two coke please, I would like to serve this girl' the person beside me said while leaning towards me. 'Sorry!! I'll pass' i told the bartender.

In order to avoid that creepy guy I went and sat on the stairs. Vickey came and held my hand, 'come on, my friends wants to see you'. I slowly got up and started walking, slowly. His group had 4 girls and 5 boys, including him and me. All of them started clapping as they saw me. One of the guy offered me to sit besides him.

V sat besides me on the sofa. The guy that offered me his seat, sat on my right.

I don't remember but one of the girl said something stupid and all of them started laughing. That was fine, but the guy on right literally leaned on me while laughing.... with his left hand on my shoulder and his right hand touched my legs. It would be by mistake, so I didn't reacted.

Then, he didn't removed his hands untill 2 minutes and then started stroking my leg and then....his hands went under the hem of my skirt.

I stood up, and looked at him.

"What??" he didn't even flinched and was still laughing.

I looked at V and said, "I need to use restroom."

I walked as fast as possible, my eyes were blurry... Why did I.... it's all my fault..for trusting him...my fault for wearing this stupid dress??

I went and washed my face and looked in the mirror, my mascara was smudged and...

His friend was standing behind me....