No More Singing


I rushed out of the boring classroom as the bell rang signaling the end of the fourth hour of the school day, perhaps the longest most boring hour of them all. As soon as I made it to the main hallway I ran into a close friend of mine

"Hey Angie," I said to Angelica Schuyler who's best friends with me along with her sister Peggy

"Hey Eliza," she began, "how's it going?"

I shrugged as we wove our way through annoying students, "It's all good," I began then noticed the lack of someone's presence. "Where's Peggy," I asked her as we passed through a set of doors that led to the music hallway

Angelica shrugged, "She's put on bed rest thanks to me," she began then looked around, "where's Maria?"

It was my turn to shrug once more, I hadn't seen my sister since the beginning of the day and it unnerved me. "I wish I knew," I began, "I heard some people say that she's in the choir room but I haven't seen her since the beginning of the day. She's been eyeing Alex for weeks and in those weeks I've had to remind her that she has James while Alex is mine and to back off."

"Well if I catch her trying to make a move on your man I'll help you out," Angelica said as we approached the last set of doors

Alex and I have been together since Freshman year, he has been so much better than the last two boyfriends that I've had. Jefferson and Madison were abusive to me because I didn't think the same way that they did – rumor has it that the two are dating after they started stabbing students with Burr and expelled from the whole district.

"Eliza," Angelica began bringing me back to the present, "I think it'd be best for you to wait out here until the bell rings."

"Why," I asked as I stepped toward the door that she blocked, "please don't see it's what we just talked about."

"Sadly, it is," Angelica began, "I'll take care of them you stay out here, it'll be okay," she said as I slid down the wall in a stunned silence

"Leave some of them for me," I said as she left and I started thinking why Alex and Maria would do this to me. I started thinking about whether or not to tell James but an unwelcomed voice brought me back to the present

"What happened to the little baby," his voice said as it was harsh on my ears, "did you hurt yourself?"

"Shove off Jefferson, you don't belong here," I grumbled as I heard him scoff

"Not a chance sunshine now get up," he ordered as I kept my head in my hands not giving him the satisfaction of seeing my tears

"Like you said," I began as the fear began to build in the pit of my stomach, "not a chance."

As soon as I finished saying that I soon regretted it as I felt the cold metal of a gun press against my temple. "I don't want to kill you," he began, "not yet at least but for now do as I say and you'll have a few more moments of your precious little life. Get up," he ordered once more

Fearfully, I stood up and pressed myself up against the wall, "Okay," I said as I adjusted my bag which hung at my hip. "What do you want me to do, do the macarena?"

A smile tugged at Jefferson's sneer after I said my joke, "No," he began, "go into the choir room like a good little girl and take your seat like normal. Don't tell a single soul about what happened or you're gonna die sooner than planned."

With a fearful nod, I slowly walked into the choir room


I chuckled as I watched her walk into the room, my plan was going perfectly right as the bell rang Madison, Burr and I would start shooting. That little child would be the first to go in that room after the teachers are done for then her sister and then Alex. After that I'll start picking off people at random until everyone in that room is dead. Burr and Madison would start in Mr. Washington's room and start killing people throughout the school. I chuckled once more as the bell rang signaling everyone's death and I loaded my gun; this was going to be fun


Eliza slowly walked in as soon as the bell rang, the tear streaks showing on her face as she took her place in the Soprano section. Before she sat down I saw a smile at her lips as she noticed the red marks on Alex and Maria's face. I smirked as soon as I saw it but that smile soon disappeared once Lafayette gasped as someone walked into the room

I looked to see someone I wasn't expecting to see ever again, "Jefferson," I began, "you're not supposed to be here you were expelled from the whole district. What are you doing here," I finished asking him

He had the gall to chuckle as he took out a gun and shot the two teachers in the room. "Well, you can only guess why Angie," he began as he turned to Eliza while she sat in the front row of the soprano section. I sat at the top which was a disadvantage. "I'm here to kill the ones responsible for keeping me out of school," he said nonchalantly as he shot Eliza's knee. "After I kill everyone in here I might as well have the next school massacre with this one starting in the choir room."

Eliza screamed in pain as she clutched her knee, "Why are you starting with us," she asked after her scream as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jefferson's grin was evil, his grin showed that his intent was only to kill and hurt people. I could tell that he was enjoying her screams of pain. "My little sunshine," he began as he crouched to where she slid off her chair. "It's because of everyone in this room aside from the fresh meat, sophomores, and juniors. You were the ones who reported Maddy, Burr and I so we want to hurt you all," as he was explaining himself I had begun to creep down the risers to save her. "But lucky for you, you won't have to deal with losing the ones you love because you'll be the first student to die."

Just as he pulled the trigger I pushed Eliza out from under him, the last thing I felt was pain and then I saw darkness.


Everyone in the classroom jumped in fear as the fourth gunshot sounded throughout the building. I stood next to Mr. Washington's desk looking at the barricade of desks, books, and chairs that leaned up the door. We were in an American Government class; we were just talking about the revolution and how Alexander Hamilton was Washington's aide during it. I was amazed at how my namesake was a close friend of Hamilton's but everything went away once the first gunshot sound at the end of My Shot. After the first shot sounded Mr. Washington ordered us to barricade the door even though there wasn't an announcement telling us where the shooter was or who it was. I clutched my stapler as hard as I could as I heard more gunshots ringing throughout the school.

The gunshots stopped at twenty-three, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I hoped that it wasn't in the choir room. I was forced out of my moment of thoughts of mourning and fear when the handle to our door jiggled. The tension in the room was so thick that someone could cut it and serve as a deep-dish pizza as we stood there, watching the door. We jumped once more as a gunshot sounded from the other side of the door and soon our barricade was reduced to rubble as James Madison stood there with Aaron Burr beside him.

"Well look at what we have here Burr," Madison began as he surveyed the room. "Some kids who think that they could defeat us with desks, books, and staplers," I clutched my stapler harder as he shot the nearest kid while laughing. "As if that'll work," he added

"Look at what we have here everyone," I began, "two losers who think shooting up the school where they stabbed people thinking that���s gonna solve their problem. Where's your little boy toy Mad," I asked, "does he have someone else to play with?"

Once I asked my former friend that Mr. Washington came up from next to me and threw a book aimed at Madison's temple. As Madison collapsed Burr shot at Mr. Washington who collapsed blood spurting from his knee. I threw my stapler as hard as I could at Burr's head, he looked up just as the bottom of the stapler hit him between the eyes. As he collapsed more gunshots sounded in the distance as the distant sound of sirens came to our ears.

"We need to get out of here," someone in the classroom said, "this may be our only chance to get to safety."

As the student was speaking I was tying a tourniquet above Mr. Washington's knee, "You're not wrong kid," he began as he looked at me. "Laurens," he began but a voice on the intercom interrupted him

"Attention students," the voice began with a sound of urgency and sadness, "the shooter has been shot down by the police. If there is anyone injured, dead or there are more shooters on the school ground please have someone call the office immediately. Once again, it is all clear to walk the halls," the voice finished as the intercom clicked off. I looked at Mr. Washington whose face held a grin

"Were you saying something Mr. Washington," I asked and the teacher looked down at me

The teacher smirked, "I was going to ask for your help in covering the kids if there were any more shooters," he began with a chuckle. "Go see if your friends are safe kid, we'll take care of things here," he finished as he stood up with a groan.

"Thank you, sir," I said before running out of the room making sure to give the finger to Madison and Burr's bodies before leaving. As soon as I got into the choir room I gasped at the carnage that was displayed in front of me. I could see the velvet coat of Thomas Jefferson as his body was being carried out on a stretcher. What made my heart break more was seeing Eliza cry over Angelica's body as she shrugged off Alex who was trying to comfort her while he had a bullet wound in his right shoulder. As I got closer I realized that Eliza had blood gushing from her knee as she knelt at Angelica's side. My pace quickened as I noticed the steady rise and fall of her chest

"Laurens," Lafayette said as he limped over to me, "Angie pushed aside Eliza as Jefferson was shooting at her. Angie got a bullet right in the face and is somehow breathing while others weren't so lucky."

"Thanks," I said as my friend put his hand on my shoulder, "I'll go check on her, you get yourself taken care," I said as he nodded before hobbling out of the room. "Hey," I said as I approached the three, I gasped as I noticed the mess that Angelica's face was. "Jefferson did this," I asked in shock

"Yes," Eliza answered as she sobbed, "and it's all my fault.���

Alex and I looked at each other and I could make out the shape of a handprint on his face. "How could this be your fault, Eliza," I asked as I scanned the room for paramedics. "You couldn't have imagined this," I added as I failed to notice anyone else in the room

"I could've raised the alarm by telling the teachers," she began as she shrugged off Alex one more time. "He came up to me while Angie was chewing Alex's and Maria's ass for cheating on me. He told me not to tell anyone about it or else he'd kill me. I should've taken the chance of telling someone this wouldn't have happened," as she finished she looked up at me, "where's Madison?"

"Knocked unconscious in Mr. Washington's room with Burr," I replied and almost jumped out of my skin when Angelica groaned. "Holy shit, you're conscious," I exclaimed as I looked at her, "Angie, can you hear me give me a thumbs up or down if you can," I said and she gave a thumbs up. "Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up, if you can please replicate it," I asked as I held ten fingers in front of her face. "Yes," I cheered as she held up the same amount, "this is the last thing," I began. "Can you say my first name? Hold up a one for no, two for yes or a three saying that you'll try," she held up a three and I nodded to let her go.

"J-j-john, John," she said while struggling to do a half-smile, "why does it hurt so much?"

"You were shot at point-blank range," I explained, "you're lucky to be alive," I added before turning to face the room. "Can I get a medic over here, there are three wounded with one of them being severe," I yelled and someone sped over to us helping Eliza and Angelica up as I walked with Alex to the exit

"How did you know what to do," he asked as we let Eliza and Angelica be escorted out first

"I take college courses after school," I answered as we followed them, "what's this that I hear about you cheating on Eliza?"

"She kissed me," Alex began immediately on the defense, "Maria forced herself onto me and kissed me first."

"Well, the main question is," I began, "did you kiss her back?"

Alex wrinkled his nose in disgust, "No," he began, "Angie came in just as she kissed me. She turned away to tell Eliza to wait outside before she came to slap Maria and me six ways from Sunday both verbally and physically. I swear this school can be abusive sometimes," he finished and I chuckled

"Just make sure you treat Eliza better," I said as I patted his left shoulder, "get yourself taken care of," I added after he nodded and just as a paramedic came up to me.

"May I asked you some question sir," he asked as I turned to him

"Yeah," I answered, "go ahead," I said with a nod

"What's your name?"

"Jonathan Laurens," I replied as he nodded with a grin

"How did you know what to say to get someone to help those two ladies?"

I sighed as I scratched the back of my head, "I'm currently taking some medical college courses after school since I finished all of the career tech classes here."

The medic smiled, "That's good to hear," he began, "you saved Miss Schuyler's life. With the technology we have today we can reconstruct her face but she'd have some memory trouble along with speaking so it is recommended that she doesn't sing or yell for a while."

As the medic turned away I looked to where Eliza and Angelica were, 'Angelica is so not going to like that,' I thought as I watched others coming out of the building.