Chapter 2


The class ended uneventful, just some three hours non-stop lecture and computation with Terror Prof. from 9 am-12pm where you're not allowed to become sleepy, eyes on the whiteboard and no talking with seatmates.

Lunchtime came and we went to the cafeteria. Well bought me some food while I was looking for the lunchbox I bought. As Kim approached, I was still looking for my packed lunch.

"Did Auntie Aileen made you lunch again?" Kim asked while he sits in front of me then smiled at the girls looking at him at the table beside us before looking back at me again, "I love her dishes. It's way more delicious than those served here."

"That's the thing. I remember bringing it, Mom even chased me to give it to me earlier. Where did I put it?" I answered while checking inside my bag.

"Don't tell me you left it somewhere and totally forgot about it? Are you going senile, my friend?" Well asked with tone of sarcasm, while he's sitting next to me and the two started digging in on their food.

"No, I'm sure I brought it. And why is my bag a mess?"


"Ayyy!" The two looked up on me.

"I remember now! I lost the food earlier!"

Well asked how and Kim asked what happened almost the same time.

"I collided with a freshman earlier while running to our class. I lost my balance and fell and the contents of my bag and the lunchbox splayed on the floor."

"Aww, that's too bad. We would have enjoyed Auntie's cooking", said Kim then clenched his fists, "Who ran into you? Let's have him pay back?"

"Crazy! You're so mean!"

"Gosh my dear friend, you easily got knocked off by a freshman who's not even trying? Tsk Tsk" Well said.

"It's my fault actually. I was hurrying and didn't noticed him coming."

"Excuse me P"

The three of us looked into the newcomer and my eyes widened. He's the handsome freshman earlier!

"Here is your packed lunch earlier. I'm really sorry for what happened earlier," said the cute boy, as he laid the container on the table with and a plate of rice and menudo, "And here's the replacement."

"Ahmmm…." I looked on the food, and gaze at at him again, "Thank you for the food, you shouldn't have bothered."

"It's okay P, it's really my fault your food got wasted. I'm sorry again"

"Don't be too polite please. Just call me Jelo"

He smiled at me. "Okay P' Jelo. Ay! I mean okay Jelo." Then he reached out his hand to shake mine, "I'm Allen. Nice to meet you!"

My gosh! I can't believe it! Allen's so cute! He's the first to approached and even shaked hands with me! And his hand is really really soft!

"Gurl," Well said, separating our hands, "That's enough."

"Hello!" said Allen

"Hello! I'm Well" he waved his hand at him, "Jelo's friend" then pointed to Kim, "And he's Kim, also our friend."

Kim nod at Allen, "Wazzup bro!"

"Hello!" Allen nodded back at him, "I have to leave now, enjoy your lunch." He bowed and started walking away.

Well and Kim looked at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1?" asked Kim

"I think so B2! Someone fell in love at first sight again!"

"Morons! I didn't fall in love that fast!" I replied

"You cant fool us, friend. Remember how you fell for Joshua back then?" asked Well, "You've cried for months before you moved on!"

"Nah! Looks like someone's already taken" Kim interjected and pointed at Allen's direction

I turned around just in time to Allen sitting next to a beautiful woman. She was tall, a bit on the petite side, her hair was long, her complexion is on the lighter side. The girl just looked at Allen briefly before sliding her lunchbox to Allen who started to open it and started eating. I turned back to my own plate, and as expected, Kim's already looking at me with a sad face.

"Jelo lost again. Sad!" sarcasm evident on his face

Well patted my shoulder, "I told you so!"

I pat Well's hand on my shoulder, "Yes, I already know I'm ugly and not a boyfriend material. Happy now? Hmmp..."

"That's not the issue," Kim said, "You're handsome -"

"- But not as handsome as us" Well interjected

Kim smiled, "- But you have to accept that handsome boys are for beautiful girls only "

"I know! Let's eat now or the food will get cold!" I said, stopping the conversation. I started eating and the two did the same.

Kim got a point. And who would like someone like me, a closeted gay guy? Never been in a relationship since birth, and the only straight guy who stick with me is him. I take that back, I also have Well though I'm not really sure about his preference. Back then, Well would introduce us to his girlfriend. But none lasted, longest was 3 months, like he has this 3-month rule. But he's fun to be with. He always throw silly jokes and easy to be friends with. It's funny to think Kim and Well still hang out with me even though they're straight. I mean they're both Mr. Popular in our uni and hell of a charmer and a head turner!

I started eating this food Allen gave me. I love the thought of care in his gesture. But I don't think I can havr a chance with Allen. He seems happy with his girlfriend.

Finally, the first day of class is over! How come only the freshmen can spend their day in the gym for orientation while we seniors start the class right away?

"I'll just get my motorcycle at the parking lot. You can wait for me at the gate." Kim said as he walked away.

"All right!" Well answered before Kim could be out of earshot

Well and I walked up to the gate and sat on a nearby bench.

"Are you sad?" Well asked

"Ha? Why would I be sad?" I asked back.

"You can't fool me, I know you too well. That's how you look when you're in a bad mood"

He really knows me haha. "Fine, I'd love to go to the gym"

"To see that freshman from earlier?"

I smirked, "Yep!"

Well sighed, "Gurl! I'm telling you. You dont stand a chance against his beautiful girlfriend"

"Can't I have a crush on someone who's already taken?" I rebutted

"Well, it's up to you. But I'm telling you, you will only be hurting yourself."



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