The Seven Stars Academy

Seven Stars Academy is a very prestigious school attended by nobles, knights, mages and many youths aspiring to become an adventurer. As the name suggests, the school itself are divided into Three Faculties, which is further divided into Seven Division.

The Three Faculties are Martial, Magic and Craft Faculty. Martial Faculty are divided into Might (filled with Warriors, Knights, Berserkers, etc ) and Finesse (filled with Fencers, Archers, Rangers, etc). Magic Faculty are divided into Divine (for Priests and Bishops), Arcane (for Wizards and Sorcerers) and Primal (for Druids and Elementalists). And last but not least is Craft Faculty which is divided into Alchemy and Artifice.

The students are free to choose which class to attend as to suit their needs so long as they can pay the tuition fee on the beginning of each semester. The first month in the first year is a special opportunity though, as each Faculties and Divisions will held seminar each week that is free to be attended by all students. The duration of study for the students are also variative, spanning from as short as 2 years to as long as 8 years.

As this Academy has a loose system for learning and studying, giving all students a certain sense of freedom to learn, this Academy become the favorite of many aspiring and ambitious youths. To further establishes the prestige of this Academy, this Freedom to Learn System is coupled with a High Standard to graduate, making all graduates from this academy are quaranteed to become a great person and solidify its status as one among the Best Academy in the World.

And this Academy become the one where our MC here choose as his campus. Avadhi Ranata chooses to pick either the Alchemy or the Artifice Classes. But he will also run around a lot during this month to see all the seminars from each Classes and Faculties. Who knows, maybe he will get another good class to pick.

Although, Ranata doubted that the Magic Class would have any uses for him. As the one who have eaten the Fruit of Knowledge, all knowledges in this world, including magics are strored in his mind like a complete archives on the library. And as he have reached Level 13 right now, he would be able to cast ALL Tier I Magics without any problem. As for the Tier II, he can cast some easy one that didn't strain his mental energy and mana too much. Ok, I have changed my mind. Magic Classes are still useful for him. Even though you know how to do things, that doesn't mean you CAN do that. A simple example is even though you have all the necessary knowledge and blueprints to build an airplane, there is no way you can build one without the right tools and material.

Taking that into his mind, he look into the list of seminars and their schedules that are announced on the campus social media board on Facepalm to formulate a plan to attend all the seminars in a week. First is the Martial Faculty, then Craft, and last he will attend the Seminar about Arcane and Primal Magic. Divine Magic? Sorry, that one branch that need one to become a subordinate of another being is not something our MC fond of. Don't get offended please, religious people. That's just a matter of preference.

After waking up in the morning, taking a quick bath and wearing fine clothes, Ranata opened his private dorm door and take a walk to the Martial Faculty, Might and Finesse Class. Once he arrived, there is already many crowd gathered in there. Well, after all, the number of warriors are always greater than mages and craftmans. So it's not a strange sight to see the Martial Faculty as the one which have the most number of student.

"Aiyah.... Even though I have arrived 30 minutes earlier, this place is already overcrowded...", Ranata sighed.

"Damn! Who is the one stepping on my foot? Come here, I promise I won't punch you on the face!"

"Hey! Make space, make space! Don't Squeeze!" "

Ah, Air, Airr....! I am almost suffocated to death!"

"For any pervert who touched my butt, don't blame me if I cut your hand in here~"

Many shouts and swears filled the air, making the crowd become even more noisy....

"Bah, Annoying! [Burrow]" Casting a spell to dig into the gound, Ranata move underground to bypass the crowd.

(Oh, there are still an empty spot there, good, I will take it.) As he sees an unoccupied spot in the corner of the hall, Ranata moved there and get out from the ground right after he reach the place. Taking the seat available, he sit down there after dusting himself clean from dirts. Not soon after, all eyes are locked on to him.

"What the!!!!?"

"Is he from Mole Race? Did you see how he dig the ground?"

"Hell, I am from the Mole Race but the way he move are just too clean. It must be magic."

"What are a mage doing here?"

"Is he an idiot? Don't he know that this is the might, not the magic faculty?"

"You are the one who is an idiot! Are your eyes just a decoration? Don't you see a sword hanging on his waist? He is clearly a swordsman."

"Bullshit. Do you think everyone have the skill to learn sword and magic all at once? I know every genius who can do both, but I never seen or heard of him."

"Heh, your world view must be very tiny then. Dude, do you think the world is a tiny place as your mind? Don't you know the proverb Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?"

"No, he said the truth. I have noted all the people who have the top result in the entrance test yesterday. I never see him on the list."

"Oh, then he maybe are just someone who is an average who just happen to learn sword and magic on a so-so level."

"Pffffttt, so he is a jack of all trades, but a master of none?"

"Mediocre, mediocre.... I better focus on one thing rather than just making two halves. Those kind of people are rarely to become a great person."

"..." Ranata (I only use a single spell to bypass the crowd, why did people make a big ruckus for it?)

As Ranata thinks for himself, a sudden change then happened in the crowd.

"Oh~!!!! The Goddess has come~!!!!"

"Wow, so the Beauty Pair will attend this class too!?"

"Oh, Great, it seems my choice to pick this class is right! I can see the Beauty Sisters in this class!"

"Excuse us.... Excuse us.... Thank you..."