Week of Duels I

Our arrival together and the issue of us redeemed the same quest raise quite a ruckus in the Quest Hall. I can hear many accusations of us leeching our seniors to help us do the same quest, and more ridicule seeing how my party are the one who reap the bigger reward despite being the juniors. Not wanting any noise, I face smacked all their face by issuing challenges on the Quest Hall. I raise both my middle finger to the noisy crowd and challenge all those bastards on a duel in the arena.

Five reservation on my duel are quickly approved and stamped officially by an Elder in the Quest Hall, the deal are also overseen by Ouka, Layla, Misha, Kiseki, Chikane and Reina. I will duel once each day, from Monday to Friday on the next week, with every duel being me fighting a senior student. The wager, aside from our dignity, is that the winner are allowed to take any single item in possession of the loser.

While Ouka, Layla and Misha are getting upset with the behaviour of her fellow senior students, they are also showing their concerns toward me. They even apologized for their fellows attitude, something which I told them not to worry about and just enjoy the show. While they are getting speechless with my carefree but brazen attitude, Kiseki and Chikane are clearly approved of my action and even spread the news of our duels which will be held on the Martial Faculty Arena by the next week.

Those two, along with Reina who is also worried about me like our seniors, work together to rally support from our entire year students and classmates. At this time Reina the Demoness really shine with the showcasing of her talent as a natural rumormonger. With the news of five nasty, good for nothing, foul mouthed and lousy seniors pick a fight with a single new student on his first year spread through the campus like a wild fire in the middle of scorching drought, it's easy to imagine who will the crowds support and take by their side.

By the time I arrived on the Arena in Monday afternoon, I found the spectator's seat are getting full with all students in the Academy. Hell, even some students take venue on the roof, above the tree and some even take out their magical items such as flying carpets to watch the show from the sky. I see three Elders are present on the highest seat, overseeing what will unfold on the arena. Kiseki, Chikane and Reina who accompanied me waved their hands to the crowd like they are the one who will go to the arena, raising cheers from all the new students and even from some seniors. Then they left me to join the crowd and taking the seat in the first row that have been reserved by them for a week.

Ouka unexpectedly are standing in the middle of the arena. It seems that she is chosen, or rather, she appointed herself as the referee for this duel. Opposite from me are a senior who is haughtily looking at me. A Level 17 Elf, a magic swordsman, huh. I don't bother to remember his name, though. Neo whatever, who cares about a name of a fly that are about to be swatted? He is among the first who accuses me of taking advantage of our seniors. Well, I better give him a hard beating so he learned to keep his mouth now.

With that in mind, I brandished my sword. In this duel we are allowed to use magics and real weapons. The Referee is there to prevent any accident, and a team of medics are always on the standby to prevent any fatality. Since the time this Academy have been founded, there are only four cases of fatality caused by student's dueling. I don't mind making the fifth until the tenth cases, though. But since Ouka is the one who become the referee today, I should restraint myself a bit and not giving her any trouble.

Or not, as the duel begin, I immediately shot a [Lightning Bolt] to my enemy, I strike it right on his chest. Then on his annoying face. And then I brutally pommeling his face with the hilt of my sword, breaking his nose and cracking his jaw. It is very satisfying to see his teeth falling on the floor, although it is only two of them.

Ouka halted me and declared me immediately as the winner after seeing a very sorry state of a previously handsome elf face. The three Elders approved that decision and under the glare of public eyes, I take my spoils of war, a blue colored elixir that can cure all wounds and mortal disease. I announce to the public that the elixir will be auctioned at the base price of zero, as thanks for the support from all the students in the academy, on Saturday. The crowd cheered on my announcement and very happily welcomed my idea. Wondrous medicine like that are rare and expensive. With that thing auctioned in the academy, students are only need to vie with another students if they want the elixir.

After all of that are done, I said my thanks to the crowd and politely say good bye to Ouka before leaving the Arena with Kiseki, Chikane and Reina in tow. The four of us have begun to get along well together. It seems Reina contribution on our sweet revenge to the insults of our seniors have smoothed over her relationship with the Dragon Sisters. No longer they show disdain to her and sometime they even chat together like any other girls.

The Second Duel of the week are pretty much the same. At noon on Tuesday, I fight a Level 17 Tiger Beastman, with Berserker Class and a Great Axe as his weapon. This time, it is Layla the Charming Rainbow Plumed Quetzal who become my referee. It seems she also represent herself to be the overseer of my duel. Her concern truly touched me.

Anyway, I defeat the brute who stood opposite of me with the same method I used to beat the elf yesterday, although as he is way tougher than the elf, I only managed to break two of his fangs and not the whole teeth rolling on the floor. He also take three [Lighting Bolt] before he succumbs in paralysis, enable him to still swing his axe once when I am getting close to him. A futile attack as it is getting easily avoided by me. As I win I take his secret remedy, a pouch filled with ten pills than when swallowed can temporarily increased your physical strength by two stages for around ten minutes. Same with the elixir, I also announced that it will be auctioned on Saturday after I finished all my duels.