Agreement of Love

[Author's Note]

I know I have splurged too much on the sugary confession.

And so, I have decided to pace things up and make the plot run faster, or else we all will be spending this week full with this diabetes stinulating story :p

Without further ado, here we goes~! Please enjoy it, Dear Readers~!




And so, on that bright sunny sunday noon, Ranata, Kiseki, Chikane, Reina, Ouka, Layla and Misha have entered a brand new, romantic but scrambled relationship.

After the lunch is over, they cleaned the place and then return back to gather on the dining room to discuss the matter even further.

As the very first suggestion that came out from Kiseki's sweet mouth, the seven of them will spend their initial time by undergoing a "love training" in order to find a wonderful love.

That brilliant idea are instantly approved by all the other five girls as though all of them are all readily accepted the idea before hand.

And thus, to even cemented the idea and to formalize a rule to keep the seven youth's already scrambled romantic relationship under control, the one boy and six girls make their very own first Agreement of Love.

This Agreement of Love contained seven articles, on which each of the articles is coming out from different person in party.

That seven articles is:

1. The Girls will take turn to have their time with Ranata one day each in a week, from Monday to Saturday. [Kiseki]

2. The taking of turns, on which whose girl get their time full on Saturday (which is a holiday weekend) and whose girls get their time on weekday (Monday to Friday) is decided by rotary system. [Chikane]

3. On Sunday, it is Ranata's turn to choose which girl who will spend their time with him. [Ranata]

4. Everyone can try anything they wishes to do on their time with Ranata. [Reina]

[ Author's Note: I bet more than 69% of you Dear Readers would have a very naughty thoughts when you read on this part :P Anything goes! ]

5. No one should forestall and hinder others in any way. [Ouka]

6. Every girl who have spent their time together with Ranata must make a report about all of their activities done together with him. [Layla]

[ Author's Note: Now this is a bit feisty, heh :) As expected of the merry – go – round, wild and free spirited Quetzal]

7. Everyone must tell the others if there is any progress in their love affair. [Misha]

The one boy and six girls look satisfiedly at the piece of agreement that they have made in their hand.

After all of them gave their signatures under the articles statement, they proceed on making six copies of it to be held one each by the girls and the original one will be held by the man, Ranata.

They spent some merry time on this Sunday that marks as the beginning of their quests of love.

It seems that after the confession and making the agreement, something had triggered inside the heart of each of them, shedding a layer of their relationship, and making all of them become more intimate with each other and the girl's herat become closer with the man's heart by one stage.

Reina along with Layla playfully asked, as the agreement have officially been signed and thus effective by now, on this Sunday who will Ranata choose to spend histime with?

Ranata only smiled and said that he just want to spend his time by everyone just now, as this Sunday are already spent by half.

The three senior girls, Ouka, Layla and Misha then ask if the three of them can also stay in this mansion with him.

As there are exactly three rempty rooms left in this mansion, then why not?

Ranata, along with the rest of the girls happily accept the idea, as that would make all the girls have the easier time to spent their day with Ranata if all of them live under the same roof.

As Ranata is now have a special treatment from Academy to spent his time leisurely like all the seniors on their year's end, he can spent his time accompanying both the senior student (Ouka, Layla and Misha) on their time or come into the junior class along with Kiseki, Chikane and Reina on their time.

After spending the afternoon by completing the formal procedure of moving the residence by registering their move to Academy's officials, Ouka, Layla and Misha, accompanied by Ranata, Kiseki, Chikane and Reina goes around to help with the moving.

It is easy with the seven of them coordinating smoothly, putting their things on the storage ring and then move from their old dorms to Ranata's mansion.

The sun is still shining brightly on the west sky when all the girls have finished with arranging the furniture and other items inside their room.

With this, now all the seven of them, one boy and six girls, are in cohabitation in that uphill mansion.

On evening, the seven of them decided to go out together and go to a family restaurant outside campus to eat together.

On the way home, Ranata decided to come over to a Bakery Store to buy a cake.

As the girls ask for what it is, Ranata smiled at them and said that it is for celebrating all seven of us for beginning a brand new life together from this day on.

The girls smiled back sweetly to him, with Reina and Layla even took their chance to hug Ranata.

(Remember Article 4 on the Agreement of Love: Everyone can try anything they wishes to do on their time with Ranata.)

Of course this action triggered all the girls to also hug Ranata, with only Ouka and Misha choose to held back as they are now in public place.

And the man itself, Ranata, are currently struggled between enjoying the sensation of soft and fragrant bodies of four beautiful girls hugging him from all four cardinal direction, and keeping the cake safe from being squeezed along with the girls tight hugs.

Well, all is well that ends well, by the night all seven of them finally arrived home and thus they began to have a small party to commemorate their cohabitation and new love life together.





[Author's Note]

End of the Story





Just Kidding :P

Next Arc begins!

The Scrambled Lovers conquering Thirty Three Hidden Realms in The Ancient Painting!

Stay tuned, Dear Readers! (^m^)

- Vanadhi Lucia -