Plan and Date

On their meeting in Saturday morning, Ranata told the girls of his plan to make all three of the junior girls, Kiseki, Chikane and Reina, to also gain privileged status like him so that they can spent their time together regardless of their year gap and to keep staying together with each other after they graduate from the Academy on the next year.

The plan is very simple, actually.

First, he told the girls that he know of a series of Hidden Realms that can only be accessed by him.

Of course Ranata doesn't told the girls that it is actually the ancient map painting scroll that has been fused to his mind, that kind of sensitive information is a secret that will not be told to anyone no matter who is he or she.

However, the girls, being both clever and sharp minded can still deduce one thing or two regarding this issue.

But as the man himself didn't told them in detail, they also tactfully and understandably choose to keep silent and stay shut regarding this issue.

Although they all suspect the old scroll bought by Avadhi Ranata in the Magic Shop on the last weekend, the man himself is already grown stronger by himself far before he even go to the shop and bought that thing.

So all the six girls choose to just throw that issue out of their mind and instead focus on the chance to enter the so called Hidden Realm described by their man.

Ranata told them about the First Hidden Realm, about the prehistoric and already extinct creatures inhabiting it, about the Boss Monster Ancestral Beast Stregasaur, whose Level is 28, five levels stronger than him.....

At this piece of information, the sharp witted Kiseki immediately shouted out the implicit meaning behind Ranata's words....

"What!? Wait.... that level 28 dinosaur is five levels higher than you, Ran? So, isn't that mean.... You are now at level 23?"

At this revelation made by the blonde dragon fox girl, which Ranata is also admitted, all the other five girls gasped in this surprising information.

As all the six girls tried to remember how high is their man's level the last time they know..., isn't his level is around 19 on the last weekend when they go shopping together?

The heck man..., he is already on par with Ouka who have the highest level among all the six beauties in the room, who is in turn is also renowned as the Top Senior Student in the Academy waiting for her graduation on the next spring.

But suddenly, now this man in front of them have jumped up four more levels, reaching level 23 now, making an insurmountable gap that is impossible to cover up even with the girls being high grade monstrous species far stronger than humanity, even half of them are Demigods with God Blood flowing in their veins.

This kind of situation make the girls have even more passion and drive to reach the level equal to their chosen man.

And this Hidden Realm is the key for it.

Also, after seeing how high is their man's level after entering that Hidden Realm, the idea to push the remaining three junior girls to also have privilege like Ranata also have become even more feasible and realistic.

One must know, aside from the brave and bold feat like challenging the seniors on duels all in a week and winning gloriously like what Ranata have done, students in the Academy also can apply for the privileged status as long as they can pass the test set by the Principal and the Elder.

That test is made by the higher up in Academy after they witness Ranata's duel and see his prowess and thus gain recognition from all the Elders and even the Principal to confer him the privileged status.

The test is simple but also hard, the junior students who have applied for the test will have to fight three consecutive duels with the high level seniors chosen by the Elders, all three duels done consecutively in a single day and on each duels the students are only permitted to use the weapons and equipments provided by campus.

If the student applying for the privilege can comes out victoriously, they will gain the same status as what Ranata have been conferred.

But should they fail, they must pay up some fines and fees, and also do some penalty missions from Campus Guild Hall as penance.

And to prevent the system abuse, each student can only apply for the privilege test only ONCE and the applicant must also be in his or her First Year in the Academy.

So far, there have been four people who is confident enough to challenge the test, all of them are the highest level student in the First Year.

But each and every one of them are utterly defeated by the senior student in their very first battle, none of them can last for more than three moves.

Such an embarassing and pathetic result have curbing down the enthusiasm among the first grader students and bolstering again the pride and prestige of the senior students that have been brought down by Ranata as the side outcome of his duels....

Ok, lets set aside the side story and come back now to the main course....

After quickly concluding their planning to siege the Hidden Realm on Sunday, now Ranata will have to choose which girl will he date on this Saturday.

And as the first among the girls to approach him, of course, the first turn will fall to Kiseki's lap.

And so, the man and the golden fox dragon girl goes out together on their romantic date on the bright Saturday morning, followed by five beautiful stalkers tailing them from a far, trying to observe but tacitly also didn't hinder any relationship progress between Ranata and Kiseki.

The man and the fox go out together from the campus, coming down to the town, and having breakfast at a cozy cafe right in the morning.

Then they go to Amusement Park (Author's Note: I know this is both classic and very cliche for a date.... but hey, what did you expect to do with a playful little fox one year younger than the man having their first date?).

Both the man and the girl enjoyed their time together until afternoon, before both of them closing their very first date with a sweet and sour, strawberry crepe flavoured kiss on top of the ferris wheel, with privacy all kept in their room, freed from the five beautiful stalkers following them, with their background being the overlook on the town below which is being submerged by the orange glow of the setting sun in the western horizon.