
Third Person's POV

Weeks passed and everything seems fine now. Jimin regained his healthy self back and got discharged from the hospital after a few days. Taehyung's been busy for the last few weeks and it's the same with Jungkook. Jimin decided to get a part time job on Vante Cafe, a mid-famous coffee shop in their area so it won't really affect his college and personal life.

Jimin and Jungkook are always the same. Going out and enjoying themselves while sometimes, they're both busy. Taehyung on the other hand, he's always busy managing his business and have only a few dates with Jimin. Taehyung misses his best friend so much and it kills him knowing he loves and misses someone else.

Since they've been really busy, Jungkook planned to go to the beach with Jimin. He decided to take him there in surprise so he'll pay for the times Jimin and him can't go out.


Jungkook's POV

I planned to take Jimin to the beach tomorrow since we're both free that day. I think we'll just need some fresh air and come back happily.

Next day

"Hey Minie, should we go out today?" I asked him through phone since it's still early in the morning.

"I'd love to! But where are we going?" Hmmmm should I tell him now? Or no?


"Just wear something light and fresh. But still, everything looks good on you Minie."

"Aww, thank you Kookie. I'll be there in an hour." What? No I should come to him not the other way around.

"No Minie, I'll come to you in an hour. Now take care of yourself and we'll meet later."

"Okay baby, bye~" He hung up and I started to change to a more comfortable clothes.


Jimin's POV

Where we'll be going? I'm really curious but Jungkook won't tell me. I just wore my simple longsleeve white shirt and a short with my black beanie and glasses while Jungkook is looking so handsome over there.

We are in his car and we've been driving for almost an hour now I think.

"Kookie, can you just please tell me where we are going?"

"Minie, just wait okay?"

I just leaned back and stared outside. It's a really beautiful scenery and I want to bring Taehyung here if we have the chance, he sure loves taking photos.



I didn't realize that I slept while looking outside. I was awaken by a cool and fresh breeze that touched my face. I slowly opened my eyes and see a beautiful wide ocean.

"Minie, we are here."


"Kookie! It's so nice here! Thank you for bringing me here!" I hugged him and held his hand.

We went to the shore and it just feels great. We decided to sit somewhere around and just relax.

"Minie, I love you." I was shocked by the sudden words he said.

"I love you too Kookie" it's true that I love him. I love him so much now and I'm so happy I met him.

"Do you like this Minie? I'm sorry I've been so busy lately. This is my way of coping up with what I've missed with you." Jungkook kissed the back of my hand and held it tighter.

"It's okay Kook, I know you have to do that and that it is very important."

"Thank you for understanding me Jimin, I'm so lucky I have you in my life."

I hugged him and give him a peck on his lips. I just don't want this day to end. It is so sweet and relaxing and I have Jungkook by my side. I just feel contented.

night time

"Are we going home now Kook?" He said that we have to go now so I think this will be the end of this beautiful day.

"Um, actually we're not going home today." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a penthouse near the area and I plan to spend the night there with you."

Wow... he's so thoughtful and charming.

"I'll go wherever you want to." I just simply said it because it is true. I'll go wherever he will go.

After a few minutes, we arrived at his penthouse. I was astonished by how beautiful his penthouse is. I can't believe that it is just a penthouse because it is so beautiful.

It's inside is just as beautiful as it's outside look. There's a dining area and two bedroom. I think it is for atleast 4 people. Now that I think about it, maybe he and his friends are always here because they are 4 people.

"Minie, what would you like to eat?"

I was taken back to Earth by his words. I'm actually kinda hungry but I'm not choosy in foods.

"Anything is fine."

"Ok, I have some clothes here, take a shower and then let's eat."

"Ok Kookie."

I went to the master's bedroom, took some clothes and went to the shower room.


Third Person's POV

Jimin's done taking a shower and Jungkook cooked some pasta and meatballs. They ate and decided to drink to have some fun time.



After a few bottles of soju and a lot of conversations, they are feeling so hot now.

"Kookie, you know I love you right?"

"Of course I know it, and I love you too."

Jimin smiled as well as Jungkook and they stared at each other.

Jungkook started closing his face to Jimin's and Jimin was doing nothing. He likes it and he wants to kiss Jungkook as well.

Jungkook finally got close to Jimin and started kissing him passionately. Jimin cupped Jungkook's cheeks and kissed him back. But with every second that's passing by, their passionate kiss became so lustful. Maybe it's because of the alcohol and they're feeling so hot now but they both know that what they are doing is because of their love for each other.

Jimin put his arms around on Jungkook's neck and deepened the kiss. Jungkook is now on top of Jimin but suddenly stopped.

"Why Kook? Is there something wrong?", Jimin asked confused.

"No" Jungkook then lift Jimin in a bridal style and take Jimin to his bedroom.

"I love you Jimin"

"I love you too Jungkook"

They stared at each other for a few seconds and started kissing again.