You're Safe With Me

I wake up. I look around the room to try and see why I woke up. It's gotta be the middle of the night. The silence is interrupted by a note played on a guitar. It's Noah. I would ask why he's awake at this hour, but then again, I'm also awake. He's playing his song. Our song? Can we even be considered us? I decide to stay put on my top bunk and look down on Noah. Noah starts singing, but something sounds off.

"What's it feel like to be alone on a Sunday... Remembering the time you saw them j-just yesterday-" His singing is cut off when his voice cracks. He gives up on singing and completely breaks down. I can't stand to watch him like this. I climb down from my bed and sit down next to him. Tears stream down his cheeks, when he looks up at me and hugs me. No words were spoken, but I could feel his emotions. I don't know how long we were there.