Notte Stellata

All in all, we spent 12 dollars. I got a skirt and a cute, light pink shirt. Noah got two black shirts and some jeans. Currently, we are putting on a mini fashion show for each other. I twirled around in my new skirt for a while and thought about how happy I am. I'm finally able to be the real me! I can wear what makes me happy and what makes me feel more like me. "Hey, Noah? Remember when you were telling me about Notte Stellata?" I ask him. "How would I go about getting an interview there?" He thinks about this for a moment and says "Well... I know there are apps that can help you get a job and/or an interview..." I take out my phone, which thankfully still has service, and start to research. There was an app for finding a job, so naturally, I downloaded it. Once it's up and running, I search up Notte Stellata. Wow.. it seems like a great restaurant. I read their qualifications out loud to Noah. "One year of job experience..does walking dogs count? Good recommendations from at least two people. I know two people! Oh, it says here they have really good pay! And they're LGBT friendly! I think the restaurant is owned by this guy and his husband." Noah smiles and says "You should interview! It would be a great experience for you! I can totally see you as a waitress." I agree and press "Apply.