
After a few minutes of me being amazed by Noah's skills and my hair, Susana comes in to announce that it's dinner time. This results in a lot of putting on shoes and shuffling around until eventually, we're all out in the hallway on our way to the "cafeteria". I receive a few compliments, such as "Wow, I love your hair!" and Noah receives some as well ("Good job man!"). The food here at Blue Harbor is okay, but nothing to brag about. (I mean, it's a homeless shelter.) Me and Noah get in line as Susana serves soup and salad to everyone. Once it's our turn, Susana hands us our food and looks at me and says, "Oh, Miah! I heard you're interviewing for a job!" I glance at Noah suspiciously. "If you need to borrow some makeup, just come ask me! Good luck! I just know you can do it!" I thank Susana and make sure to remember that. She's one of the few genuinely kind adults I've met on this journey. Me and Noah sit down at a table and start eating. At my parent's house, my mom would cook for us every now and then. I feel almost ashamed for wishing I was back home. It's hard letting go, especially since I had spent my whole life there. Sometimes I get homesick and feel so bad about it. I have to remember all the horrible things they did. I have to stay strong. "So has your mom tried to contact you again?" I ask Noah. He puts his spoon down and sighs. "No... But I almost wish she would. I keep hoping she'll call back to apologize, but that's stupid. I'm not going to go back to her and my dad until I'm okay. What about you?" I pause for a moment and say "Neither of them have made an effort to talk to me. I'm fine with that, but I'm surprised they're still paying for my phone. They probably have something planned but for now, I'm safe." Noah nods, understanding, and we continue to eat in silence.