Part 5 : A Different Path

A few months had passed since Clayden started teaching me magic.

Ever since he began, Andrew has been accompanying me twice a week. He was always 'coincidentally' there whenever Clayden visited.

I'd even started to doubt if Clayden was his fiancé, and not me. Everytime he came here, they always end up 'playing' with each other. As the poor victim and third wheel, I wonder when I could escape this bothersome cycle. I wanted to have fun! Not see two children intimately trying to burn one another!


As always, we were in my private garden... happily training, focusing on improving our magic and swordsmanship skills...




Did that a fireball just go straight past me?

Annoyed of the constant fighting, I secluded myself by going towards a more tranquil area, with no noisy brats to train.


Time passed and the noise of magic being casted and people running around ceased. But my private garden was in shambles.

"My-my garden!!!"

I yelped out in agony. But I quickly regained my composure as I realized that I am now rich and I have these two idiots to pay for the destruction. And so, I let out a sigh of relief and continued back where I left off.

A few minutes passed, and I felt... uncomfortable, like I was being watched intently.

I slowly opened my eyes to meet the main perpetrator, Andrew. I sighed once again, shut my eyes.

"Your highness, please stop staring at me. I feel quite unconfortable." I whispered to him in a low tone.

Dude, just go and have you rendezvous with Clayden. Stop staring at me!

"Why should I?"

Andrew replied while grinning with a devil may care grin. Then he disdainfully glanced at Clayden.

"But, you must be aware that you are bothering our time together, right?"

"Oh, am I? But aren't you the one bothering our studies?"

Clayden retorted, crossing his arms with a smirk.

Guys, the both of you are the ones constantly being sidetracked with each other! I screamed in my heart.

"Oh, shut it Clayden. What position do you think you're in to obstruct me like that."

Andrew shot a glare towards Clayden.

"Then, can you both please at least have a bit of conciousness? A diligent and decent person is trying to meditate here!"

I said, sighing, still trying to properly circulate the mana towards my body.

"And, Your Highness. Anyone would be bothered if you sit besides me like that."

Feeling uncomfortable, I shifted to the side.

"A pity I don't feel bothered at all... and please refrain from calling me your highness. Like what I constantly ask, please address me as Andrew."

He stared seriously and me and... pouted?

My mine was in turmoil and I stared at him, baffled.

What the hell happened to Andrew?! His character broke just like that! The cold and mischevious Andrew, where did you go???

Clayden just stood there, bursting with laughter seeing Andrew in that demeanor. We both actually thought of the exact same thing, he was actually acting according to his age for once.

But he still kept on laughing even when I glared sharply at him. Can't you be more sensible to the terrified person here?!

"Heh. So it seems like someone other than your mother can break your ice like that."

Clayden said as he began to stop laughing.

"Who knows?"

He said with a cold smile. The demeanor Andrew had before vanished into thin air, as if it never happened.

He then stood up and nudged closer to me. I stopped trying to circulate my magic, hence opening my eyes and glanced towards him. With a pitiful look, he gazed seriously at me.

"Airene, do you find my presence... bothering?"

Andrew questioned, looking like an actual six year old.

Damn, that dropped like a bomb. With that sort of pitiful facade, I actually felt guilt welling up inside me. But I quickly brushed it off.

"Actually, yes... kinda. You keep on disrupting my magic lessons."

Letting out an awkward laugh, I truthfully answered him, feeling that there's no need to feel pity with this kind of black bellied dude. Since...

"Hmmm, is that so..."

he said with a pondering face, as if he was seriously considering my statement. Then, his lips slowly curved upwards into a smirk.

"If I join you for your lessons, I will no longer be a bother, yes?"

...He always knows how to twist words and benefit from the situation even if he is still a kid.

"I suppose so... but can you keep up with my lessons, your highness? Oh, but I have nothing to teach you so..." Clayden's eyes trailed off. If Andrew decided to train with Airene, he would need to endure everything Clayden does to him. Calling him master is just merely one of them.

Well, not like his pride would let him.

"Then instead of you teaching Ai, which is quite pointless, how about all of us get taught by a grand mage? This seems to be a better option, isn't it?"

"Oho, interesting."

Clayden replied, his mouth twitching as if he knew about this all along.

Am I the only one startled bere? Grand mage..?!

There are currently only 6 of them and they are in charge of training troops, setting up borders, planning war strategies, and even as a king's advisor! I know that with Andrew's connections, he should be able to get one to train us. But isn't this too early? I mean, we are all still children, even if the way we act and speak is like that of adults.

"Then, about the deal you offered, I will delightfully accept it."

Andrew declared to Clayden smugly.

"Haha, I thank you for your cooperation."

A deal? What deal...?! I guess I am left completely in the dark, huh.

Putting his hands on his hips, Clayden asked.

"Then when do we start our training with the Grand mage?"


Andrew swiftly replied.

"Airene, don't forget to be there. We will meet at the palace grounds, and go together from there. Towards the

'Forest of The Lost'. At 11 a.m, eastern time. Meet us at the front gate, please refrain form being late."

Clayden explained.

By the time I realised it, Clayden stopped using my pet name. Does this have something to do with the deal they had?

And how does he already know where? It must have something to do with that deal they discussed. But still though, having a Grand Mage teaching me would surely be beneficial. Since I was praised highly in front of my parents, I guess I will have to live up to their expectations. But most importantly, it is for my own well-being.

"Airene, continue on with today's routine."



This day was quite tiresome.

The training regime was twice harder than usual since me talking to Andrew was considered slacking off even though Clayden had done the same thing! What is up with that?!

Is he a sadist or something?

I washed myself and brushed my teeth before my maids dressed me in a white nightgown with pretty floral embroidery. I proceeded to climb on my bed to get a good night's rest. My room fell to silence as I started to doze off before it was interrupted by a howling sound accompanied by knocks on the window.

I knew for sure it wasn't an assassin since it wasn't human, at least it didn't sound like one.

I took a clothes hanger in the dresser and approached the window that was being knocked. The window was covered with elegant, sky blue curtains. I opened the curtains to find a heavily wounded puppy. Fractically, I opened the windows, brought him in, and quietly shut it.

Calling the maids at this time will arouse suspicion since no animals aside from hunting dogs are allowed within the Roselle estate premises. So, I reached out to the first aid kit and took out some bandages and antiseptics and proceeded to clean the wounds and bandaged them. The wounds were bloody and numerous, but thankfully it was not life threatening.

Climbing on my bed, I embraced the puppy after bandaging and cleaning it up and slowly whispered, "don't worry everything will be alright."

I thought I heard a 'thank you' when the puppy fainted instead. Am I starting to hear things?

I fell asleep embracing the little pup who has grey and white fur. He looked like a husky or maybe even a wolf. Well, no use pondering about where this lil guy came from, is there?

Since I was exhausted and the moon was shining up above, I quickly dozed off.


The next morning, I was woken up by the voice of a boy whispering to me.

Come to think of it, is that puppy still there?

Muddleheaded, I turned my body to the left and saw a figure.

Oh... a boy.




"Wait, what?!"



"If you stop fooling around while addressing my fiancé with her nickname, I would gladly find you a grand mage for a teacher."

"Hmm... deal."

"But I would also have to follow you to train."

"Wait, let me think about it."

A good teacher but stuck with an annoying guy or no teacher but a chance with a strong girl?

Well I'll always be stuck to that dumbass either way.