Part 9 : Master


You're telling me that this 'cabin' they described to be 'humble' as the grand mage's residence, is this mansion?!

I creased my eyebrows while sighing in regret.

...'Why on earth did I say that this'll be fun'.

Andrew and Clayden seemed unfazed by this mansion that was bigger and far more luxurious than mine, as they simply walked in with the guidance of Fyre. Chrona however, tugged to the back of my shirt and stuck to me, like a cute little critter.

Seeing her like that, I directed a gentle smile at her and she seemed to notice it, seeing that she turned her head away in embarrassment soon after. And so, I helped myself to hold the hand of this adorable being. Her rosy cheeks brightened even more on the action. Though confused to her reaction, I didn't let go, instead I tightened my grip even more and led her in the mansion.

"We've arrived."

Fyre opened two large doors that led to the inside of the mansion. But instead of carpets, stairs, and furnitures, there was a... forest? Possibly an illusion?

Surrounded by lush greenery, towering trees, a crashing waterfall, even a clear blue sky, with no clouds in sight. It's as if we stumbled on another realm entirely. There were even living beasts and insects in here, is this perhaps the capability of a Grand Mage? I was in awe, for him to literally be able to create an entire ecosystem... astonishing.

As the three of us were busy staring at the entire area, adazed, Fyre walked off and beckoned Grey to come along with him.

"Then I'll leave you to it. Grey, come with me."

Grey nodded and followed along before closing the doors shut.


Near the entrance sat a dashing young man, his back against a tree with a book in hand.

He lifted his eyes and revealed a smile as he saw the children walking inside.

He stood up and slowly strode towards them, causing them to notice the subtle movements in the grass.

Andrew whk noticed him first, whispered to Airene with a barely discernable voice.

"That's the Grand Mage. They say he's... eccentric, be careful."

As a reply, Chrona and I nodded in acknowledgement.

With light green hair and golden eyes, he resembled that a fairy or even an elf. His gaze looked solemn and tranquil, completely unlike others his age. Or at least, his appearance.

"Ah, hello there! You guys must be the kids the king asked me to teach?"

He said, waving his hand up as to greet us.

"Indeed. I am-"

"Yeah, I know you're that small prince aren't ya?"

Andrew of all people was cut off midway, causing him to look startled by this rude treatment, but considering that the young man was suspected to be the Grand Mage, he didn't really mind. But he does remind me of a certain someone.

"And you, the little girl with the black hair."


Startled, Chrona stuttered.

"You have an amazing physical constitution. I reccomend you to exercise more."



The young man trailed off, his eyes dubious.

There's someone with ill intentions near you, you must get rid of that person. You've been warned."

"I-I understand."

Lost in thought, only a few seconds later did Chrona digest what he said, resulting in her baffled expression.

"And you, older little girl!"

He looks at me with his sparkling eyes.


I pointed at myself confused.

"Yes, you! You're a special one, aren't ya?"

Revealing a toothy grin, he eyed at me, seemingly satisfied.

"You're a... gem waiting to be properly polished. Even your raw capabilities exceeded mine when I was your age. So..."

"I want you, be my disciple."

He pointed at me with a confident smirk.



Confused, I turned to Andrew and he let out a helpless sigh, as if telling me to accept.

"You've passed my test. If you become my disciple, you will have heaps of benefits. I can also come and visit you whenever you want. You just have to shut up and agree."

Since this was what we were here for to begin with, I nodded, signifying my agreement.

He chanted a bunch of indecipherable words and a crescent shaped silver earing appeared on my left ear, indicating that I am now his disciple. But honestly what made me even more baffled was how quickly he agreed. Though I didn't know a single thing about him prior to this, so my speculations became a bit wild...

"Oh right, I almost forgot. I haven't introduced myself. The name's Vird, I am the Grand Mage of Life, in short I specialize in biota, nature, etcetera. I can also do other elements proficiently but I focus on light and anima. Nice to meet ya."

After making me a disciple, then he introduces himself, at least the guy's got his priorities straight.

"So, how old are you lot?"

He began questioning, while he eyed at Grey with understanding.

Andrew replied,

"I'm 6, Chrona's 4, and Airene is 5."

He said that while pointing to each of us so he can know our names.

"Hmm, I see... You're all so young, yet you have limitless capabilities. Especially Airene and that other kid who got brought here earlier."

Could it be...?

Before I could say anything, Chrona spoke up and jumped, her timidness nowhere in sight.

"Could it be my big brother?! He has black hair and golden eyes. Is it him?"

She asked with her pleading eyes.

"Hm? Oh yeah, he does indeed match your description. Rest assured, he passed my test and became my disciple, so he is safe and sound."

Chrona and I let out a sigh of relief and the former shrank back down to hide behind me. Though he's annoying, it's good to know he's safe.

Unknown to them, Andrew felt frustrated. Clenching his fists, he did a low bow, catching everyone off guard. Seeing Andrew like this, I became silent, not knowing what to say or think.

"Please make me your disciple as well!"

He pleaded with a determined face.

Expecting Vird's approval, I groaned. But, I was met with an unexpected answer...

"I refuse."

Vird said, eyeing Andrew.



The shameless Andrew froze in shock, his face paled and he lost his composure.

"Please! There must be a way! I have to become stronger, to protect my country and my family!"

Memories regarding the plot flashed through my mind. When I found the plot point necessary, I facepalmed really hard.

The riot. I gotta help him with the riot. And that means... facing the dark Guild. In the game, a riot broke out amongst the common folk and members of the Royal Family were killed. Nobody knew why the riot happened, but it was later revealed that the Dark Guild had a hand in this.

My complexion noticeably darkened and my lips turned to a frown upon realizing that I now have to risk my life to help him...

An obligation as his fiancé, I guess.

Farewell, my peace.


Vird harrumphed before answering Andrew.

"...Fine. Though I'm reluctant, I've promised the king that I'll give you a chance. If you pass the trial I give you, I'l take you in. But if you fail... well let's just say that you'll be crippled."

...Isn't this too harsh? Subjecting a 6 year old boy to a life threatening situation as a test...

Wait, now that I think about it, that zombie beast horde was also a life threatening. And besides, this guy's not the type to just give up nor is he weak. So it should be fine, I guess. He would still have to live another day to see the actual heroine.

But as Andrew steeled his resolve, a mocking voice could be heard from the distance.

"The dumbass got rejected, huh?"

Of course, who else dared to utter these words aside from Clayden?